按月归档: 5 月 2020


2020年5月30日,星期六,在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心,SpaceX Demo-2任务的猎鹰9号火箭搭载着龙飞船从39A发射场发射升空,宇航员罗伯特·贝恩肯和道格拉斯·赫尔利将随火箭前往国际空间站。这次发射是SpaceX公司的龙船和猎鹰9号火箭首次作为该公司商业宇航员计划的一部分发射到国际空间站。这次试飞是SpaceX宇航员运输系统的端对端演示。贝恩肯和赫尔利于美国东部时间5月30日下午3点22分在肯尼迪航天中心39A发射中心发射升空。自2011年航天飞机计划结束以来,美国宇航员再次从美国本土到近地轨道的美国火箭上再次发射,人类太空飞行的新时代将开始。 来源:NASA/Bill Ingalls NASA的宇航员们有史以来第一次在美国本土通过一艘商业建造和操作的美国载人宇宙飞船发射升空,前往国际空间站。美国东部...


The brilliant tapestry of young stars flaring to life resembles a glittering fireworks display in this Hubble Space Telescope image. The sparkling centerpiece of this fireworks show is a giant cluster of thousands of stars called Westerlund 2. The cluster resides in a raucous stellar breeding ground known as Gum 29, located 20,000 light-years away from Earth...


This artist’s concept shows exoplanet Kepler-1649c orbiting around its host red dwarf star. This exoplanet is in its star’s habitable zone (the distance where liquid water could exist on the planet’s surface) and is the closest to Earth in size and temperature found yet in Kepler’s data. For more information on the Kepler mission, vis...


2020 May 29 Mercury Meets Crescent Venus Image Credit & Copyright: Marco Meniero Explanation: That’s not a bright star and crescent Moon caught between branches of a eucalyptus tree. It’s Venus in a crescent phase and Mercury. Near the western horizon after sunset, the two inner planets closely shared this telescopic field of view on May 22,...


2020 May 28 Reflecting the International Space Station Image Credit & Copyright: Helmut Schnieder Explanation: Still bathed in sunlight, the International Space Station arced through the evening sky over lake Wulfsahl-Gusborn in northern Germany, just after sunset on March 25. The familiar constellation of Orion can be seen left of the trail of the orbi...


A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft onboard is seen on the launch pad at Launch Complex 39A at sunrise as preparations continue for the Demo-2 mission, Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 mission is the first launch with astronauts of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft a...


2020 May 27 Earth and Moon through Saturn’s Rings Image Credit: NASA, ESA, JPL-Caltech, SSI, Cassini Imaging Team; Processing & License: Kevin M. Gill Explanation: What are those dots between Saturn’s rings? Our Earth and Moon. Just over three years ago, because the Sun was temporarily blocked by the body of Saturn, the robotic Cassini space...


4月2日,美国航空航天局(NASA)发布了题为《“蠕虫”回来了!》(The Worm is Back!)的公告,借着SpaceX的猎鹰9号运载火箭,重新启用退休了28年的NASA“蠕虫”标志,并以此标志着美国本土火箭载人航天飞行的回归。 这张图显示了宇航员航天服和哈勃空间望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)上印有的NASA标识“蠕虫”。从左至右依次是:准备发射的宇航员梅·杰米森(Mae Jemison)、太空人布鲁斯·麦坎德利斯(Bruce McCandless)、哈勃空间望远镜、宇航员小圭恩·布鲁福德(Guion Bluford, Jr.),和宇航员萨莉·莱德(Sally Ride)。 图片来源:NASA 在1959年,也就是NASA成立的第二年,NASA刘易斯研究中心[Lewis Rese...


In this iconic image, Station Commander Leroy Chiao of NASA watches a water bubble float between him and the camera, showing his image refracted while aboard the International Space Station. Chiao commanded Expedition 10. He holds a doctorate in chemical engineering. He is also a veteran of three space shuttle missions and spent 229 days in space. Image Cred...


2020 May 26 The Milky Way over Snow-Capped Himalayas Image Credit & Copyright: Tomas Havel Explanation: What’s higher than the Himalayas? Although the Himalayan Mountains are the tallest on planet Earth, they don’t measure up to the Milky Way. Visible above the snow-capped mountains in the featured image is the arcing central band of our home gala...