标签: 阿波罗11号


On July 20, 1969, two American astronauts made history by landing on the surface of another celestial body. This image is a close-up view of the plaque, which Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin left on the Moon in commemoration of the historic lunar landing mission. The plaque was attached to the ladder on the landing gear ...

生命探测系统部门主管Vance Oyama正在检查阿波罗11号的样本

In this image from 1969, Life Detection Systems branch chief Vance Oyama operates a specially designed soil distribution system, used for dispersing the lunar soil in equal amounts to thousands of petri dishes as part of the lunar biological experiments performed at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Oyama had a long career at NASA and also helped to design experi...


Born on August 5, 1930, Neil Armstrong would have been 89 years old today. During his lifetime, he was a man of many accomplishments and when he landed on the Moon, he walked into the history books. Armstrong changed the course of history as the commander of the Apollo 11 mission, landing humanity on another celestial body for the very first time and fulfill...


阿波罗11号月球行走时留下的脚印(其中有部分为2009年修复重制) 视频来源:NASA 1961年,尤里•阿列克谢耶维奇•加加林(Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)乘坐东方1号宇宙飞船(Vostok 1),成为了第一名进入太空的人类宇航员;艾伦•谢泼德(Alan Shepard)紧随他的脚步,在一个月后也成功遨游了宇宙,成为了第一位进入太空的美国宇航员。 时隔8年之后的1969年7月,肯尼迪总统提出了新的挑战:在人类进入太空的头十年结束之前,送宇航员登上月球! 阿波罗11号的指令长尼尔•阿姆斯特朗在登月舱的设备存储区工作。这是在月球行走中展示阿姆斯特朗的为数不多的照片之一。 图片来源:NASA 火光与烟雾之中,土星5号运载火箭离开了发射台,开启了一个划时代的太空旅程。 图片来源:NASA 巴兹...


前苏联发射的第一颗人造卫星Sputnik拉开了冷战时期美国和前苏联太空竞赛的序幕。作为回应,美国也发射了自己的第一颗人造卫星“探索者1号”,发现了范艾伦辐射带,并最终研制出将宇航员送上月球表面并安全带回地球的运载火箭和航天器。 那是美国历史上最辉煌的时期之一,尤其是考虑到登月任务的巨大成本和技术难度。这里汇总了通往阿波罗11号登月的历史进程中发生的重大事件,以及一些重要的历史性时刻。 1957年: • 10月4日:前苏联发射第一颗人造卫星Sputnik 1958年: • 1月31日:美国第一颗人造卫星“探索者1号”发射升空,后来发现了范艾伦辐射带 • 7月29日:艾森豪威尔总统签署《美国国家航空暨太空法案》,宣告了 NASA 的成立 • 10月7日:NASA启动水星计划(Mercury program),该计划...


The Apollo 11 Command Module is hoisted aboard the USS Hornet, the prime recovery vessel for the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. The splashdown took place at 12:49 p.m. ET, July 24, 1969, about 812 nautical miles southwest of Hawaii, only 12 nautical miles from the USS Hornet. Image Credit: NASA 阿波罗11号指挥舱被悬挂在美国黄蜂号航空母舰上,这艘航空母舰是历史性的阿波罗11号登月任务的主要回收船。这...


On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 lifted off for the Moon and into history. Artist Russ Arasmith’s vision of Apollo was a potent vision of the program that shows in the works he created. ​Arasmith worked for the Los Angeles Times for 32 years and served as Editorial Art Director for 17 of those years. He created all the space drawings for the Times. The draw...


2019 July 21 Moonquakes Surprisingly Common Image Credit: NASA, Apollo 11 Crew Explanation: Why are there so many moonquakes? Analyses of seismometers left on the moon by the Apollo moon landings reveals a surprising number of moonquakes occurring within 100 kilometers of the surface. In fact, 62 moonquakes were detected in data recorded between 1972 and 197...


2019 July 20 Apollo 11 Landing Panorama Image Credit: Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11, NASA Explanation: Have you seen a panorama from another world lately? Assembled from high-resolution scans of the original film frames, this one sweeps across the magnificent desolation of the Apollo 11 landing site on the Moon’s Sea of Tranquility. The images were taken b...


This photographic illustration compares the size of Apollo 11 Landing Site 2 with that of the metropolitan New York City area. Site 2 was one of three Apollo 11 lunar landing sites. This was the planned site if Apollo 11 launched on July 16, 1969, as scheduled. Apollo 11 did launch on schedule and landed on Site 2, which is located at 23 degrees 42 minutes 2...