标签: 朱诺号


朱诺号在木星南极右下方的位置看到一个新的,小的气旋。 Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/ASI/INAF/JIRAM 为了直观感受气旋的大小,NASA在中央气旋上放置了美国地图,新发现的气旋上放置了德克萨斯州的地图。 Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/ASI/INAF/JIRAM 2019年11月3日,在朱诺号第22次飞越木星南极上空时,NASA科学家在木星南极发现了一个新的气旋,当时朱诺号位于木星云顶上方大约3500公里。 朱诺号木星探测器于2016年7月首次抵达木星,它的红外和可见光相机在木星北极发现了9个巨大气旋,南极发现了6个。这是否和地球上的气旋一样,过几周就消失掉呢? 2019年12月3日,木星南极合成图,由朱诺号相机在可见光下拍摄。 Cred...


Just after its close flyby of Jupiter on Nov. 3, 2019, NASA’s Juno spacecraft caught this striking view of Jupiter’s southern hemisphere as the spacecraft sped away from the giant planet. This image captures massive cyclones near Jupiter’s south pole, as well as the chaotic clouds of the folded filamentary region — the turbulent area betwee...


This view from NASA’s Juno spacecraft captures colorful, intricate patterns in a jet stream region of Jupiter’s northern hemisphere known as “Jet N3.” Jupiter’s cloud tops do not form a simple, flat surface. Data from Juno helped scientists discover that the swirling bands in the atmosphere extend deep into the planet, to a dept...


2019 October 7 Io Eclipse Shadow on Jupiter from Juno Image Credit & License: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS; Processing: Kevin M. Gill Explanation: What’s that dark spot on Jupiter? It’s the shadow of Jupiter’s most volcanic moon Io. Since Jupiter shines predominantly by reflected sunlight, anything that blocks that light leaves a shadow....


2019 September 8 Perijove 11: Passing Jupiter Video Credit & License: NASA, Juno, SwRI, MSSS, Gerald Eichstadt; Music: Moonlight Sonata (Ludwig van Beethoven) Explanation: Here comes Jupiter! NASA’s robotic spacecraft Juno is continuing on its 53-day, highly-elongated orbits around our Solar System’s largest planet. The featured video is from...


NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured this view of an area within a Jovian jet stream showing a vortex that has an intensely dark center. Nearby, other features display bright, high altitude clouds that have puffed up into the sunlight. The color-enhanced image was taken at 12:55 a.m. PDT (3:55 a.m. EDT) on May 29, 2019, as the spacecraft performed its 20th scienc...


这张令人惊叹的木星北半球风暴的图片是由美国宇航局的朱诺号飞船在近距离飞越这颗气态巨行星时拍摄的。在木星圆盘的右侧,可以看到一些在高空的明亮的白云。 “朱诺号”于2019年5月29日美国东部时间凌晨3点52分至凌晨4点03分拍摄了这四张用来产生这张彩色增强图的图片,当时“朱诺号”正在对木星进行第20次科学探测。在拍摄这些照片时,这艘宇宙飞船位于木星云层上方11,600英里(18,600公里)至5,400英里(8,600公里)之间,位于北纬59度至34度之间。 公民科学家凯文·M·吉尔利用宇宙飞船JunoCam成像仪的数据制作了这幅图像。公众可以通过https://missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/processing浏览JunoCam的原始图像以及处理后的图像产品。 This stunni...


2019 June 10 木星的深渊 图像来源:NASA, Juno, SwRI, MSSS; Processing & License: Gerald Eichstädt & Sean Doran 说明:木星上的那个黑点是什么?没人能肯定。在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的“朱诺号”(Juno)最近一次环绕木星时,这艘机器人宇宙飞船拍摄到了了一个通常被称为“深渊”(Abyss)的黑云特征。周围的云图显示深渊位于漩涡的中心。由于木星大气层较暗的特征往往比较亮的特征更深入,深渊可能真的是它所出现的深洞——但这并没有更多的证据,这仍然仅是猜测。这个深渊被错综复杂的云团和其他漩涡风暴系统所包围,其中一些顶部是浅色的高空云团。这张照片是上个月拍摄的,当时“朱诺”号仅在木星云层上方15,000公里处经过。...