标签: NACA


The supersonic X-1E research aircraft was the last of NASA’s experimental X-1 series of aircraft. From 1955-1958, it made 26 flights and one captive flight (attached to a carrier aircraft). Research flights took place over what is now NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. In this photo from November 2021, the X-1E looks toward...


1945年6月27日,沃洛普斯岛上进行了首次火箭发射。 图片来源:NACA 自1945年6月27日发射第一枚火箭以来,沃洛普斯(Wallops)已经从一个用于导弹研究的小型试验场,发展成了美国航空航天局(NASA)在亚轨道和小轨道发射活动的首选地点,支持着全球的航空航天、科学探索和技术开发。 “在它75年的历史中,沃洛普斯的员工展现出了事在人为的精神,不仅在执行NASA任务方面如此,在进行外展活动和为当地社会提供灵感方面也是如此。”沃洛普斯的负责人大卫·皮尔斯(David L. Pierce)说道。 皮尔斯表示:“大部分的灵感与启发都来自沃洛普斯的长期领导人罗伯特·克里格(Robert L. Krieger),他从1948年到1981年指导沃洛普斯取得了巨大的发展。在克里格的奉献精神、才智和毅力以及沃洛普斯校友...


On March 3, 1915, Congress created the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the organization from which NASA was created in 1958. NACA research led to advances in aeronautics that helped the Allies win World War II, spawned a world-leading civil aviation manufacturing industry, propelled supersonic flight, supported national security during th...