按月归档: 2 月 2022


2022年2月28日 Direct Projection: The Moon in My Hands Image Credit & Copyright: Jeff Graphy Explanation: You don’t have to look through a telescope to know where it’s pointing. Allowing the telescope to project its image onto a large surface can be useful because it dilutes the intense brightness of very bright sources. Such dilution is useful ...


This striking image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope showcases Arp 298, a stunning pair of interacting galaxies. Arp 298 – which comprises the two galaxies NGC 7469 and IC 5283 – lies roughly 200 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Pegasus. The larger of the two galaxies pictured here is the barred spiral galaxy NGC 7469, and IC 5283 ...


2022年2月27日 Earthrise 1: Historic Image Remastered Image Credit: NASA, Apollo 8 Crew, Bill Anders; Processing and License: Jim Weigang Explanation: “Oh my God! Look at that picture over there! Here’s the Earth coming up. Wow is that pretty!” Soon after that pronouncement, 50 years ago today, one of the most famous images ever taken was snapp...


韦伯继续走在成为一个重点天文台的道路上。该团队已经成功地完成了镜段校准的七个阶段中的第二和第三阶段的工作。随着这些阶段的完成,即分段对齐和图像堆叠,团队现在将开始对韦伯的镜面的位置进行更小的调整。 这个由NIRCam仪器拍摄的六边形图像阵列显示了在分段对齐阶段取得的进展,利用地面发出的精确运动指令进一步校准韦伯的18个主镜段和次镜。 影像来源:NASA/STScI 在将18个分散的星光点移到韦伯标志性的六边形阵型中后,研究小组通过细微的调整完善了每个镜段的图像,同时也改变了韦伯次镜的排列。这个过程被称为“分段对齐”,它是将所有镜段的光线重叠在一起,使它们能够一致工作的关键步骤。 这张动图显示了分段对齐“之前”和“之后”的图像,当时团队纠正了主镜段的巨大定位误差,并更新了次镜的校准。 影像来源:NASA/STSc...

邻近的螺旋星系NGC 4945

2022年2月26日 Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 4945 Image Credit & Copyright: Dietmar Hager, Eric Benson Explanation: Large spiral galaxy NGC 4945 is seen nearly edge-on in this cosmic galaxy close-up. It’s almost the size of our Milky Way Galaxy. NGC 4945’s own dusty disk, young blue star clusters, and pink star forming regions stand out in the colorf...


2022年2月25日 Perseverance Sol 354 Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Processing: Kenneth Kremer Explanation: This Navcam mosaic from Perseverance looks out over the car-sized rover’s deck, across the floor of Jezero crater on Mars. Frames used to construct the mosaic view were captured on mission sol 354. That corresponds to Earth calendar date February 17...


“There are few artists in the aerospace industry whose career was as varied or accomplished as Ted Brown,” so reads his artist profile on the blog numbers station by Mike Acs. Brown “began as a graphic designer with [McDonnell] Douglas in 1962, and over the next four decades carved out an enviable career: he illustrated everything from the ...


2022年2月24日 Beautiful Albireo AB Image Credit & Copyright: Robert Eder Explanation: Beta Cygni is a single bright star to the naked eye. About 420 light-years away it marks the foot of the Northern Cross, famous asterism in the constellation Cygnus. But a view through the eyepiece of a small telescope will transform it into a beautiful double star, a tre...


This image from 2020 shows a flame that was one of many ignited as part of the Flame Design investigation inside of Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) to investigate the amount of soot that is produced in different conditions. The yellow spots are soot clusters that glow yellow when hot. These clusters grow larger in microgravity than on Earth because the soot...


2022年2月23日 Orion over Green Bank Image Credit & Copyright: Dave Green Explanation: What will the huge Green Bank Telescope discover tonight? Pictured, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) on the lower right is the largest fully-pointable single-dish radio telescope in the world. With a central dish larger than a football field, the GBT is nestle...