按月归档: 7 月 2019


Orbiting about 260 miles above the Earth, the crew of the International Space Station snapped this image of the Mediterranean coasts of Tunisia and Libya and the Italian island of Sicily, as the station flew over North Africa. Image Credit: NASA 国际空间站在距地球约260英里的轨道上运行,在飞越北非上空时,国际空间站的机组人员拍下了突尼斯、利比亚和意大利西西里岛的地中海海岸。 图片来源:NASA

IC 1795:鱼头星云

2019 July 31 IC 1795: The Fishhead Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Pham Explanation: To some, this nebula looks like the head of a fish. However, this colorful cosmic portrait really features glowing gas and obscuring dust clouds in IC 1795, a star forming region in the northern constellation Cassiopeia. The nebula’s colors were created by ad...


阿波罗11号月球行走时留下的脚印(其中有部分为2009年修复重制) 视频来源:NASA 1961年,尤里•阿列克谢耶维奇•加加林(Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)乘坐东方1号宇宙飞船(Vostok 1),成为了第一名进入太空的人类宇航员;艾伦•谢泼德(Alan Shepard)紧随他的脚步,在一个月后也成功遨游了宇宙,成为了第一位进入太空的美国宇航员。 时隔8年之后的1969年7月,肯尼迪总统提出了新的挑战:在人类进入太空的头十年结束之前,送宇航员登上月球! 阿波罗11号的指令长尼尔•阿姆斯特朗在登月舱的设备存储区工作。这是在月球行走中展示阿姆斯特朗的为数不多的照片之一。 图片来源:NASA 火光与烟雾之中,土星5号运载火箭离开了发射台,开启了一个划时代的太空旅程。 图片来源:NASA 巴兹...


For NASA Wallops Flight Facility research pilot Rich Rogers, July 26 brought an end to one of the things in his life that he has greatly enjoyed – flying Navy and NASA aircraft. After a few quick laps around the Wallops airfield in the B200 King Air, Rogers settled the aircraft onto the runway and taxied to the hangar, along the way receiving a water cannon ...

没有恒星的恒星形成区NGC 3582

2019 July 30 Star Forming Region NGC 3582 without Stars Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew Campbell Explanation: What’s happening in the Statue of Liberty nebula? Bright stars and interesting molecules are forming and being liberated. The complex nebula resides in the star forming region called RCW 57, and besides the iconic monument, to some looks l...

“盖亚”自发射和投入使用以来的最大型操作 ​

“盖亚”(Gaia)卫星绘制的银河系星图 版权:ESA/ATG medialab; 背景: ESO/S. Brunier 7月16日(星期二),欧洲航天局(ESA)任务控制中心的团队将对盖亚太空望远镜(Gaia Space Observatory)执行“变轨操作”,这是gaia自2013年发射以来规模最大的一次操作。 Gaia正在执行一项对10亿多颗恒星进行测绘的任务,旨在绘制最大的银河系三维地图,以揭示银河系的构成、形成过程和演化等等。 Gaia卫星在L2拉格朗日点 版权:ESA 在过去的五年半时间里,Gaia卫星一直在环绕L2第二个拉格朗日点(L2)的利萨如轨道上工作。在这个位置由于位于地球背对太阳且与太阳保持相对静止,因此会一直阻挡地日L2点的阳光,从而为Gaia卫星躲避太阳光干扰提供良好保障。 地日L2...


2019 July 29 Lightning over the Volcano of Water Image Credit & Copyright: Sergio Montúfar (Pinceladas Nocturnas) Explanation: Have you ever watched a lightning storm in awe? Join the crowd. Details of what causes lightning are still being researched, but it is known that inside some clouds, internal updrafts cause collisions between ice and snow that sl...


2019 July 28 The North America Nebula in Infrared Image Credit & Copyright: NASA, JPL-Caltech, L. Rebull (SSC, Caltech); Optical Rollover: DSS, D. De Martin Explanation: The North America Nebula can do what most North Americans cannot — form stars. Precisely where in the nebula these stars are forming has been mostly obscured by some of the nebula&...

