


Diamonds in the Sky
Image Credit & Copyright:
Wright Dobbs

Explanation: When the dark shadow of the Moon raced across North America on April 8, sky watchers along the shadow’s narrow central path were treated to a total solar eclipse. During the New Moon’s shadow play diamonds glistened twice in the eclipse-darkened skies. The transient celestial jewels appeared immediately before and after the total eclipse phase. That’s when the rays of a vanishing and then emerging sliver of solar disk are just visible behind the silhouetted Moon’s edge, creating the appearance of a shiny diamond set in a dark ring. This dramatic timelapse composite from north-central Arkansas captures both diamond ring moments of this total solar eclipse. The diamond rings are separated by the ethereal beauty of the solar corona visible during totality.

Tomorrow’s picture: perijove 16

Wright Dobbs

说明: 4月8日,当月亮黝黑的影子飞掠过北美洲时,位于狭窄月影带中央的观星者,有缘见到日全食。在全食期间的黝暗天空中,新月的影子更带来了2枚转瞬即逝的闪亮钻石环。这些持续极短暂的天体珍宝,分别出现在日全食阶段即将开始之前和刚结束之后。它们出现的时间点,在日盘刚好消失于新月剪影的后方,仅留下月盘剪影边缘的一圈银白和亮斑,造就了闪亮钻石镶在黝黑指环上的景观。这幅摄于阿肯色州中北部的戏剧性缩时影像序列,记录了出现在此次日全食前后的2个钻石环景观,以及日全食阶段空灵优美的日冕

明日的图片: perijove 16

1 条回复

  1. 2024年4月20日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: diamond in the sky […]

