

Looking Sideways from the Parker Solar Probe
Video Credit:
NASA, JHUAPL, Naval Research Lab, Parker Solar Probe; Processing: Avi Solomon; h/t: Richard Petarius III;
Music: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7, Second Movement; Music Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Explanation: What’s happening near the Sun? To help find out, NASA launched the robotic Parker Solar Probe (PSP) to investigate regions closer to the Sun than ever before. The PSP‘s looping orbit brings it nearer to the Sun each time around — every few months. The featured time-lapse video shows the view looking sideways from behind PSP‘s Sun shield during its 16th approach to the Sun last year — from well within the orbit of Mercury. The PSP‘s Wide Field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR) cameras took the images over eleven days, but they are digitally compressed here into about one minute video. The waving of the solar corona is visible, as is a coronal mass ejection, with stars, planets, and even the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy streaming by in the background as the PSP orbits the Sun. PSP has found the solar neighborhood to be surprisingly complex and to include switchbacks — times when the Sun’s magnetic field briefly reverses itself.

Tomorrow’s picture: galactic pearls

NASA, JHUAPL, Naval Research Lab, Parker Solar Probe; 影片处理: Avi Solomon; h/t: Richard Petarius III;
配乐: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7, Second Movement; 配乐提供: Wikimedia Commons

说明: 太阳附近发生了什么事?为找出答案提供助力,美国航空航天局帕克太阳探测器(PSP),针对比先前更靠近太阳的区域进行探索帕克太阳探测器的回圈式轨道,让它每隔数个月就会接近太阳一次。这部延时主题影片,呈现了去年PSP第16次接近太阳到水星轨道以内时,于PSP的太阳遮罩后方所见到的侧向景观。帕克太阳探测器的宽场相机(WISPR)拍摄了超过11天的影像,不过在此处被数位压缩成播放长度约1分钟的影片。随着PSP绕行太阳,在影片里可以见到摇曳的日冕日冕物质抛射,以及影像背景中飞掠而过的恒星、行星、及银河系的中央盘面。帕克太阳探测器发现邻近太阳的区域出奇的复杂,其中包括许多太阳磁场短暂逆转所造成的折返结构。 (Parker Solar Probe, PSP 帕克太阳探测器)

明日的图片: galactic pearls

2 条回复

  1. 2024年2月19日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: sideways sun […]

  2. 2024年4月8日

    […] 说明: 彗星的彗尾会如何变化?这会因彗星而异。如这幅摄于3月6日至14日(由上到下)9天期间的细致主题影像序列所示,彗星12P/庞士-布鲁克斯的离子尾展现出剧烈的变化。在某些天,彗星的离子尾相对较长、结构复杂,但并非每天如此,而且变化也通常不会持续。会造成彗尾变化的原因,包括彗核喷发物质的速率、路过的太阳风之强度和复杂性,以及彗星的自转速率。在一周之中,彗尾视觉上的变化,还包括因地球的视角改变所造成的变化。一般而言,因彗星排放的气体受到太阳风的推送,其离子尾会指离太阳。今天,对于那些能够看见太阳被月球完全遮掩的人们来说,庞士-布鲁克斯彗星或许有机会成为突然在中午现身的罕见彗星。 […]

