标签: rover




2022年9月17日 Perseverance in Jezero Crater’s Delta Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, ASU Explanation: The Perseverance rover’s Mastcam-Z captured images to create this mosaic on August 4, 2022. The car-sized robot was continuing its exploration of the fan-shaped delta of a river that, billions of years ago, flowed into Jezero Crater on Mars. S...


2021年03月06日 Perseverance Takes a Spin Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Mars 2020 Explanation: After arriving at Jezero Crater on Mars, Perseverance went for a spin on March 4. This sharp image from the car-sized rover’s Navcam shows tracks left by its six wheels in the martian soil. In preparation for operations on the surface of the Red Planet, its fi...


2021年02月16日 Perseverance: Seven Minutes to Mars Video Credit: NASA, JPL Explanation: How hard is it to land safely on Mars? So hard that many more attempts have failed than succeeded. The next attempt will be on Thursday. The main problem is that the Martian atmosphere is too thick to ignore — or it will melt your spacecraft. On the other hand, the atm...


2021年02月15日 Landing on Mars: Seven Minutes of Terror Video Credit: NASA, JPL Explanation: Starting Thursday, there may be an amazing new robotic explorer on Mars. Or there may be a new pile of junk. It all likely depends on things going correctly in the minutes after the Mars 2020 mission arrives at its new home planet and attempts to deploy the Perseverance...


在这张NASA洞察号着陆器位于火星表面的示意图中,可以看到下方的火星地下结构层次,背景中则可以看到可怕的沙尘。 图片来源:巴黎地球物理研究所/尼古拉斯·萨特(Nicolas Sarter) 热探针始终无法获得挖掘所需的摩擦力,而该任务也已获得进一步指示,可以继续进行其他的科学工作了。 由德国航空航天中心(German Aerospace Center,DLR)开发和制造,美国航空航天局(NASA)洞察号(InSight)着陆器所部署在火星上的热探针,已经结束了它的相关任务。自2019年2月28日以来,这一名为“鼹鼠”(mole)的热探测器就一直在尝试深入火星表面之下,希望能测得火星的内部温度,为我们带来火星内部热源的详细信息,解释火星演化和地质改变的原因。但是火星土壤出乎意料的结块趋势,让长钉状的“鼹鼠”失去了...