标签: Johnson Space Center




Hired by NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston in 1963, Josephine Jue was a Chinese-American computer programmer and mathematician who worked for the agency for more than 30 years. Of her notable contributions, in the mid-1970s she oversaw development of the HAL/S compiler for the Space Shuttle. See more of the brilliant Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and...


From left, astronauts Jeremy Hansen, Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman and Christina Hammock Koch talk with television host Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on April 5, 2023. The astronauts, who will orbit the Moon aboard Artemis II in late 2024, appeared on the show after being named by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency on Apri...


Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen (from left) and NASA astronauts Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman, and Christina Koch greet the crowd at Ellington Field near NASA’s Johnson Space Center on Monday, April 3, 2023. They make up the Artemis II crew, with Wiseman as commander, Glover as pilot, and Koch and Hansen as mission specialists. The four will vent...

升空! NASA的阿尔忒弥斯1号巨型火箭将猎户座发射到月球

2022年11月16日星期三,NASA的太空发射系统火箭携带猎户座飞船在阿尔忒弥斯1号飞行测试中发射,发射地点位于佛罗里达州的NASA肯尼迪航天中心的39B发射场。NASA的阿尔忒弥斯1号任务是该机构深空探索系统的首次综合飞行测试:包含猎户座飞船、太空发射系统(SLS)火箭和地面系统。SLS和猎户座飞船于美国东部时间凌晨1:47从肯尼迪航天中心的39B发射台发射。 影像来源:NASA/Bill Ingalls 继世界上最强大的火箭——NASA的太空发射系统(SLS)成功发射后,该机构的猎户座飞船作为阿尔忒弥斯计划的一部分,正在前往月球的途中。SLS搭载一枚无人猎户座火箭,于美国东部时间周三凌晨1点47分从NASA位于佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心的39B发射台升空,进行了首次飞行测试。 这次发射是任务的第一站,猎户座...


Astronaut Nicole Mann sits inside a T-38 trainer jet at Ellington Field in Houston, Texas, in this image from Nov. 15, 2018. She served as the T-38 safety and training officer; T-38s are used for pilot proficiency and training for astronauts. Selected as an astronaut candidate in June 2013, Mann will be the first Indigenous woman from NASA in space. In her f...


Astronaut Ellen Ochoa, STS-110 flight engineer, wears a launch and entry suit as part of water survival training in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory at the Sonny Carter Training Facility near NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas in 2001. STS-110 was the 13th shuttle mission to visit the International Space Station (ISS). The mission included 4 spacew...

SpaceX Crew-4任务发射至国际空间站

2022年4月27日,周三,佛罗里达州的NASA肯尼迪航天中心,NASA Crew-4任务宇航员凯尔·林德格伦、鲍勃·海恩斯、杰西卡·沃特金斯和欧洲航天局宇航员萨曼莎·克里斯托弗雷蒂搭乘SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭前往国际空间站。 影像来源:NASA/Aubrey Gemignani 美国东部时间4月27日星期三凌晨3点52分,NASA的SpaceX Crew-4任务宇航员从佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心的39A发射场发射至国际空间站,目前已进入轨道。这些国际宇航员将是国际空间站上的第四次商业宇航员轮换任务。 一枚SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭将载人龙飞船送入轨道,搭载了任务指挥官凯尔·林德格伦、飞行员鲍勃·海恩斯、任务专家杰西卡·沃特金斯(以上三位皆为NASA宇航员)和欧洲航天局(ESA)任务专家萨曼莎·克里斯托弗雷...


As NASA prepares to send astronauts to the Moon’s South Pole under Artemis, divers at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) in Houston are setting the stage for future moonwalk training by simulating lunar lighting conditions. At the Moon’s South Pole, the Sun will remain no more than a few degrees above the horizon, resulting in extremely long and dark shad...