标签: Asteroids




经过NASA OSIRIS-REx(起源,光谱解释,资源识别和安全-风化层探测器)团队多年的期待和努力工作,从小行星贝努收集的岩石和尘埃的胶囊终于到达了地球。它于周日上午8点52分(美国东部时间上午10:52)降落在盐湖城附近的国防部犹他州测试训练场的目标区域。


A recovery team member takes part in field rehearsals in preparation for the retrieval of the sample return capsule from NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission in this image from Aug. 29, 2023. The sample of rocks and dust, which the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collected from the asteroid Bennu in Oct. 2020, will return to Earth on Sept. 24, safely landing at the Departm...


2023年6月30日 Orbits of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids Illustration Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech Explanation: Are asteroids dangerous? Some are, but the likelihood of a dangerous asteroid striking the Earth during any given year is low. Because some past mass extinction events have been linked to asteroid impacts, however, humanity has made it a priority to find ...

艾达与艾卫: 小行星和它的卫星

2023年5月28日 Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon Image Credit: NASA, JPL, Galileo Mission Explanation: This asteroid has a moon. The robot spacecraft Galileo on route to Jupiter in 1993 encountered and photographed two asteroids during its long interplanetary voyage. The second minor planet it photographed, 243 Ida, was unexpectedly discovered to have a moon. Th...


This mosaic is composed of images covering the entire sky, taken by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) as part of WISE’s 2012 All-Sky Data Release. By observing the entire sky, WISE could search for faint objects, like distant galaxies, or survey groups of cosmic objects. Not visible to the human eye, infrared light is radiated by a plethora of c...


这幅拼接图由覆盖整个天空的图像组成,这些图像由宽视场红外测量探测器(WISE)拍摄,是WISE 2012年全天空数据发布的一部分。通过观测整个天空,WISE可以搜索微弱的物体,如遥远的星系,或调查宇宙天体群。 影像来源:NASA/JPL Caltech/UCLA 天空的图片可以向我们展示宇宙奇观;电影可以把他们带到生活中。NASA的NEOWISE太空望远镜拍摄的影片揭示了天空中的运动和变化。 每隔六个月,NASA的近地天体广域红外巡天探测器(NEOWISE)航天器就完成一次绕太阳半周的飞行,拍摄各个方向的图像。这些图像拼接在一起,形成了一张“全天空”地图,显示了数亿物体的位置和亮度。利用航天器绘制的18张全天图(其中第19张和第20张将于2023年3月发布),科学家们创造了一幅天空的延时电影,揭示了天空跨越十年...