标签: Armstrong Flight Research Center


Justin Hall lands the Dryden Remotely Operated Integrated Drone 2 (DROID 2) aircraft at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, on Aug. 22, 2023, as part of the Advanced Exploration of Reliable Operation at Low Altitudes: Meteorology, Simulation and Technology campaign. The data gathered by studying wind from the ground to 2,000...


Rocky Garcia and Wesley James prepare a weather balloon to collect wind data at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, on July 20, 2023. Researchers measured wind at altitudes below 2,000 feet using drones, sensors, weather balloons, and other technology during the Advanced Exploration of Reliable Operation at Low Altitudes: Meteorol...


A bobcat surveys the landscape at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California in this March 11, 2021, image. The spotted feline makes its home on the more than 300,000 acres of Mojave Desert surrounding the NASA facility housed at Edwards Air Force Base. Named in honor of Neil A. Armstrong, a former research test pilot at the center and th...

迎接挑战:NASA TechRise学生团队开始飞行

Aerostar’s high-altitude balloon is shown here moments after launch carrying payloads from 20 student teams as part of NASA’s TechRise Student Challenge. Credits: Fresh Produce Students from 20 middle and high schools watched as their experiments launched aboard a high-altitude balloon on June 14 as part of NASA’s TechRise Student Challenge. The flight is pa...


Teams at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, recently completed stress testing on the Navy’s F/A-18E Super Hornet aircraft from the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) in Patuxent River, Maryland. The Super Hornet is seen here in a top view from March 2022 while in a wing loading test configuration at Armstrong. Understanding...


The supersonic X-1E research aircraft was the last of NASA’s experimental X-1 series of aircraft. From 1955-1958, it made 26 flights and one captive flight (attached to a carrier aircraft). Research flights took place over what is now NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. In this photo from November 2021, the X-1E looks toward...


科学家们反复检查天气预报,为飞机的飞行做准备,并在最后一刻检查科学仪器。一场巨大的冬季风暴即将来临,但这正是这些追逐风暴的科学家们所希望的。 该团队正在NASA的两架飞机上追踪美国中西部和东部的风暴,这两架飞机配备了科学仪器,以帮助了解冬季风暴形成和发展的内部机制。该团队正在驾驶两架飞机调查冬季风暴,一架在风暴上方,一架在云层内。每个都配备了一套科学仪器,用于收集有关雪粒及其形成条件的数据。这些实验是NASA第二次部署大西洋海岸威胁风暴(IMPACTS)微物理和降水调查任务的一部分,该任务于1月开始,计划于2月底结束。 这些数据将帮助团队将雪粒及其环境的特性与大尺度过程联系起来,比如云层结构和降水模式,这些过程可以通过飞机和卫星上的遥感仪器看到。最终,IMPACTS团队对暴风雪的了解将改善气象模型,提高我们使用...


NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft (QueSST) is pictured here at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in California, wrapped up in preparation for its move to Texas. The X-plane will undergo ground tests to ensure it can withstand the stresses of flight before returning to California for completion. Credits: Lockheed Martin 图为NASA的X-59安静超音速技术飞机(QUSST)在加利...


左图:位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的KBR设施的低压舱,通过降低舱内的气压来模拟非常高的海拔高度。舱内的实验对象经历了在更高海拔处存在的减压条件,在这种情况下,海拔高达60,000英尺。 右图:一名军事测试志愿者在接受快速减压前,穿着防护装备呼吸氧气。测试的目的是验证他使用和佩戴的设备以及生命支持系统都能正常工作。 影像来源:NASA 对于NASA的静音超音速飞行团队来说,安全是最重要的,他们正在为X-59静音超音速技术(QueSST)飞机未来的飞行测试做准备,并取得了长足的进步。为了给我们的飞行员实现最安全的环境和飞机,NASA正在与承包商KBR合作,并依靠他们的专业知识来确保飞机符合生命支持和紧急氧气系统达到所需的标准。 NASA的X-59是一架研究型飞机,旨在通过其安静的超音速技术和设计特点来消除音爆的轰鸣声...


NASA and Samaritans Purse DC-8 aircrafts parked on the ramp in front of NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center Building 703. Credits: NASA Photo / Lauren Hughes NASA has once again joined forces with the community in the continuing effort to fight COVID-19. The agency provided specialized ground support on Jan. 11 for Samaritan’s Purse, enabling the aid org...