标签: 银河系


2023年12月12日 Aurora and Milky Way over Norway Image Credit & Copyright: Giulio Cobianchi Explanation: What are these two giant arches across the sky? Perhaps the more familiar one, on the left, is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. This grand disk of stars and nebulas here appears to encircle much of the southern sky. Visible below the stellar arc...


2023年12月1日 Milky Way Rising Image Credit & Copyright: José Rodrigues Explanation: The core of the Milky Way is rising beyond the Chilean mountain-top La Silla Observatory in this deep night skyscape. Seen toward the constellation Sagittarius, our home galaxy’s center is flanked on the left, by the European Southern Observatory’s New Technolo...

IC 342: 尘豹座的隐藏星系

2023年11月22日 IC 342: Hidden Galaxy in Camelopardalis Image Credit & Copyright: Steve Cannistra Explanation: Similar in size to large, bright spiral galaxies in our neighborhood, IC 342 is a mere 10 million light-years distant in the long-necked, northern constellation Camelopardalis. A sprawling island universe, IC 342 would otherwise be a prominent gala...


2023年7月18日 Milky Way above La Palma Observatory Image Credit & Copyright: Marcin Rosadziński Explanation: What’s happening in the night sky? To help find out, telescopes all over the globe will be pointing into deep space. Investigations will include trying to understand the early universe, finding and tracking Earth-menacing asteroids, searching ...


2023年7月16日 Meteor and Milky Way over the Alps Image Credit & Copyright: Nicholas Roemmelt (Venture Photography) Explanation: Now this was a view with a thrill. From Mount Tschirgant in the Alps, you can see not only nearby towns and distant Tyrolean peaks, but also, weather permitting, stars, nebulas, and the band of the Milky Way Galaxy. What made the ...


2023年7月2日 Milky Way and Aurora over Antarctica Image Credit & Copyright: LI Hang Explanation: It was one of the better skies of this long night. In parts of Antarctica, not only is it winter, but the Sun can spend weeks below the horizon. At China‘s Zhongshan Station, people sometimes venture out into the cold to photograph a spectacular night sky...