按月归档: 4 月 2022

M44: 鬼宿星团

2022年4月30日 M44: The Beehive Cluster Image Credit & Copyright: Drew Evans Explanation: A mere 600 light-years away, M44 is one of the closest star clusters to our solar system. Also known as the Praesepe or the Beehive cluster its stars are young though, about 600 million years old compared to our Sun’s 4.5 billion years. Based on similar ages and ...


NASA astronaut Victor Glover greets one of his youngest fans, 3-year-old Ezra Garrel, with a fist bump at the conclusion of an educational event for students in the Washington, DC area, Thursday, April 28, 2022, at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington. Glover most recently served as pilot and second-in-command on the Crew...

NGC 3628

2022年4月29日 Portrait of NGC 3628 Image Credit & Copyright: Wilhelm Michael Kasakow, Olaf Guillaume Explanation: Sharp telescopic views of NGC 3628 show a puffy galactic disk divided by dark dust lanes. Of course, this portrait of the magnificent, edge-on spiral galaxy puts some astronomers in mind of its popular moniker, the Hamburger Galaxy. It also rev...


Researchers at Arizona State University in Tempe are evaluating a small, lightweight, efficient 3D imaging sensor designed for weather forecasting on consecutive balloon flights made possible by NASA’s Flight Opportunities program. Called CubeSounder, the innovation could benefit future balloon flights and CubeSats by enabling state-of-the-art atmospheric so...


影像来源:NASA/STScI NASA詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜的校准工作现已完成。经过全面审查,天文台已被证实能够用其四个强大的机载科学仪器中的每一个捕捉清晰、对焦良好的图像。在完成望远镜校准的第七个也是最后一个阶段后,该团队举行了一系列关键决策会议,一致同意韦伯准备好进入下一个也是最后一系列准备工作,即科学仪器调试。这个过程将需要大约两个月的时间,然后科学操作将在夏季开始。 在一系列的图像中可以看到韦伯望远镜在所有仪器上的校准情况,这些图像捕捉到了天文台的全部视野。 NASA戈达德航天飞行中心韦伯光学望远镜元件经理李·范伯格说:“成功校准的望远镜拍摄的这些非凡的测试图像,展示了各国和各大洲的人们在有探索宇宙的大胆科学愿景时可以实现的目标。” 该望远镜的光学性能继续优于工程团队最乐观的预测。韦伯的镜面现在正将从...


2022年4月28日 Lyrid of the Lake Image Credit & Copyright: Jeff Dai (TWAN) Explanation: In the early hours of April 24 this bright Lyrid meteor flashed along the central Milky Way. For a moment, it cast a bright reflection across Lake Nian, Yunnan province, China. The annual Lyrid meteor shower, one of the oldest known, is active in late April, as our fair ...

SpaceX Crew-4任务发射至国际空间站

2022年4月27日,周三,佛罗里达州的NASA肯尼迪航天中心,NASA Crew-4任务宇航员凯尔·林德格伦、鲍勃·海恩斯、杰西卡·沃特金斯和欧洲航天局宇航员萨曼莎·克里斯托弗雷蒂搭乘SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭前往国际空间站。 影像来源:NASA/Aubrey Gemignani 美国东部时间4月27日星期三凌晨3点52分,NASA的SpaceX Crew-4任务宇航员从佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心的39A发射场发射至国际空间站,目前已进入轨道。这些国际宇航员将是国际空间站上的第四次商业宇航员轮换任务。 一枚SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭将载人龙飞船送入轨道,搭载了任务指挥官凯尔·林德格伦、飞行员鲍勃·海恩斯、任务专家杰西卡·沃特金斯(以上三位皆为NASA宇航员)和欧洲航天局(ESA)任务专家萨曼莎·克里斯托弗雷...

SpaceX Crew-4发射

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft is launched on NASA’s SpaceX Crew-4 mission to the International Space Station with NASA astronauts Kjell Lindgren, Robert Hines, Jessica Watkins, and European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti onboard, Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida...


2022年4月27日 Moon Shadow on Jupiter Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS; Processing & License: Thomas Thomopoulos Explanation: What is that large dark spot on Jupiter? It’s the shadow of Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon. When Jupiter’s moons cross between the Jovian giant and the Sun, they created shadows just like when the Earth&#8...


This Hubble Space Telescope image features two merging galaxies in the VV-689 system, nicknamed the Angel Wing. Unlike chance alignments of galaxies, which only appear to overlap when viewed from our vantage point on Earth, the two galaxies in VV-689 are in the midst of a collision. The galactic interaction has left the VV-689 system almost completely symmet...