按月归档: 3 月 2020


Today is National Doctors’ Day! Celebrated each year on March 30, National Doctors’ Day recognizes the contributions of physicians to individual lives and communities. At NASA, a number of our astronauts also have been physicians. NASA also has flight surgeons, who specialize in caring for our astronauts. Mae Jemison, the first African American w...


2020 March 31 The Galactic Center from Radio to X-ray Image Credit: X-Ray: NASA, CXC, UMass, D. Wang et al.; Radio: NRF, SARAO, MeerKAT Explanation: In how many ways does the center of our Galaxy glow? This enigmatic region, about 26,000 light years away toward the constellation of the Archer (Sagittarius), glows in every type of light that we can see. In th...


冠状病毒给NASA任务带来的影响;前往空间站的下一批宇航员进行了发射前训练;猎户座的发射准备工作……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 为应对冠状病毒大流行,针对非必要坐班办公的员工,NASA仍执行了强制性远程办公政策,目的是保护NASA员工的健康和安全。在线上的“局长提问”环节中,NASA局长吉姆•布里登斯坦和其他高级主管解答了员工对冠状病毒情况的疑问和忧虑。布里登斯坦表示:“你们的工作机构,也就是NASA,正在为美国提供新冠疫情的应对方案,在未来,我们将逐步提高疫情防控工作的参与度,毕竟我们的员工队伍才华横溢、机智过人,能够提供非常多的帮助。”


NGC 4618 was discovered on April 9, 1787, by the German-British astronomer William Herschel, who also discovered Uranus in 1781. Only a year before discovering NGC 4618, Herschel theorized that the “foggy” objects astronomers were seeing in the night sky were likely to be large star clusters located much farther away than the individual stars he could easily...


2020 March 30 The Colors of Saturn from Cassini Image Credit: NASA, ESA, JPL, ISS, Cassini Imaging Team; Processing & License: Judy Schmidt Explanation: What creates Saturn’s colors? The featured picture of Saturn only slightly exaggerates what a human would see if hovering close to the giant ringed world. The image was taken in 2005 by the robot ...


2020 March 29 A 212-Hour Exposure of Orion Image Credit & Copyright: Stanislav Volskiy, Rollover Annotation: Judy Schmidt Explanation: The constellation of Orion is much more than three stars in a row. It is a direction in space that is rich with impressive nebulas. To better appreciate this well-known swath of sky, an extremely long exposure was taken o...


美国国家航空航天局的旅行者2号宇宙飞船在进行了8年半的太阳系之旅后,已经准备好迎接另一次挑战。那是1986年1月24日,很快它就会遇到神秘的第七颗行星,冰冷的天王星。 旅行者2号在1986年1月14日接近天王星时拍摄了这张照片。该行星朦胧的蓝色是由于其大气中的甲烷吸收了红色波长的光。 来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 在接下来的几个小时里,旅行者2号在距天王星云顶50,600英里(81,433公里)的范围内飞行,收集的数据显示出两个新光环、11个新卫星和零下353华氏度(零下214摄氏度)的温度。该数据集仍然是我们迄今为止对天王星进行的唯一近距离测量。 三十年后,科学家重新分析了这些数据,发现了另一个秘密。 整个宇宙物理学界都不知道,34年前旅行者2号飞越了一个等离子体,这是一个巨大的磁泡,可能把天王星的...


2020 March 28 Stars Trail over Ragusa Image Credit & Copyright: Gianni Tumino Explanation: In trying times, stars still trail in the night. Taken on March 14, this night skyscape was made by combining 230 exposures each 15 seconds long to follow the stars’ circular paths. The camera was fixed to a tripod on an isolated terrace near the center of R...


2020 March 27 A Little Drop of Galaxy Image Credit & Copyright: Massimo Tamajo Explanation: A drop of water seems to hold an entire galaxy in this creative macro-astrophotograph. In the imaginative work of cosmic nature photography a close-up lens was used to image a previously made picture of a galaxy, viewed through a water drop suspended from a stem....


这张照片显示了南极洲东部丹曼冰川表面的涟漪在冰面上投下阴影。与2003年至2008年相比,现在的冰川融化速度更快。 来源:NASA 根据美国国家航空航天局喷气推进实验室和加州大学欧文分校的科学家们的一项新研究,从1996年到2018年,南极洲东部的丹曼冰川退缩了3.4英里(5.4公里)。他们对丹曼冰川的分析还表明,冰盖下的地面形状特别容易受气候变化的影响而退缩。丹曼冰川是一个单一的冰川,其冰量相当于南极洲西部的一半。 直到最近,研究人员还认为,东南极洲比西南极洲更稳定,因为与在南极洲西部观察到的冰川融化相比,东南极洲失去的冰川并不多。“南极东部一直被认为是威胁较小,但随着像丹曼这样的冰川受到冰冻圈科学界的密切关注,我们现在开始看到该地区潜在的海洋冰盖不稳定的证据。”喷气推进实验室项目高级科学家、UCI地球系统科...