
2019 July 17

Apollo 11: Descent to the Moon
Video Credit:
NASA, Apollo Flight Journal Compilation & Copyright: W. David Woods

Explanation: It had never been done before. But with the words “You’re Go for landing”, 50 years ago this Saturday, Apollo 11 astronauts Aldrin and Armstrong were cleared to make the first try. The next few minutes would contain more than a bit of drama, as an unexpected boulder field and an unacceptably sloping crater loomed below. With fuel dwindling, Armstrong coolly rocketed the lander above the lunar surface as he looked for a clear and flat place to land. With only seconds of fuel remaining, and with the help of Aldrin and mission control calling out data, Armstrong finally found a safe spot — and put the Eagle down. Many people on Earth listening to the live audio felt great relief on hearing “The Eagle has landed”, and great pride knowing that for the first time ever, human beings were on the Moon. Combined in the featured descent video are two audio feeds, a video feed similar to what the astronauts saw, captions of the dialog, and data including the tilt of the Eagle lander. The video concludes with the panorama of the lunar landscape visible outside the Eagle. A few hours later, hundreds of millions of people across planet Earth, drawn together as a single species, watched fellow humans walk on the Moon.

NASA, Apollo Flight Journal 编辑与版权: W. David Woods


5 条回复

  1. 宇翔 张说道:


  1. 2024年7月24日

    […] 说明: 月亮其实并没有这么大的撞击坑。此外,自然状态下的月亮,也没有刺猬般的纹理,而其色泽也较平淡。然而,这幅数位组合影像却也是基于真实数据。这幅主题影像,数位组合了优质的月亮照片及美国国家航空航天局的月球轨道飞行器激光测高仪(LOLA)之月表高度数据,然后经过夸大以为教育和理解提供助力。例如:数位夸大了月球的高地,以更清楚的呈现撞击坑,而这些撞击坑记录了月球在它46亿年的历史中,所经历过的重轰炸期。其中,名为月海、撞击坑较少的黝黑区域,曾经是熔岩海之所在。这幅影像的色彩虽然基于真实的月球化学组成,但也经过改色和夸大。在此影像里,蓝色区为富含铁的区域,而橙色区则是铝含量略高的区块。尽管数十亿年来,月球一直以同一面朝着地球,然而借助于现代技术,让人类得以学到非常多关于月球的知识,以及它如何影响地球。 (Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter; LOLA 月球轨道飞行器激光测高仪) […]

