
2019 June 24

Juraj Patekar


Anticrepuscular Rays Converge Opposite the Sun
Image Credit & Copyright:
Juraj Patekar

Explanation: Is there ever anything interesting to see in the direction opposite the Sun? Sometimes there is. Notable items include your own shadow, a shadow of the Moon during a total solar eclipse, a full moon — in eclipse if the alignment’s good enough, a full earth, planets at opposition, glints from planets, the gegenschein from interplanetary dust, the center of a rainbow, hall-of-mountain fogbows, an airplane glory, and something yet again different if your timing, clouds and Sun position are just right. This different effect starts with clouds near the Sun that are causing common crepuscular rays to stream though. In the featured rare image taken from an airplane in mid-April, these beams were caught converging 180 degrees around, on the opposite side of the sky from the Sun, where they are called anticrepuscular rays. Therefore, it may look like something bright is shining at the antisolar point near the image center, but actually it is reverse-shining because, from your direction, light is streaming in, not out.

1 条回复

  1. 2024年6月4日

    […] 说明: 为何庞士-布鲁克斯彗星的彗尾现在的指向相反?它最壮观的彗尾,是向影像下方流泛、受到太阳风的推动而指离太阳的泛蓝离子尾。而在影像右上角,可见到庞士-布鲁克斯彗星(12P/Pons–Brooks)的明亮彗发。此外,还有从彗发伸出基本指向左侧的扇形尘尾。受到太阳光压推动和减速的尘尾,通常落在彗星后方的轨道上,而从某些视角观看,有时看似与离子尾的指向相反。在这幅上星期摄于纳米比亚的主题影像之底缘附近,还可见看到遥远且明亮的厕一(天免座α星)。两天前,这颗目前最佳观测位地点在南半球的彗星,掠过了离地球最近的位置,并随着它滑向太阳系外围而不断的变暗。 […]

