


Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS over Mexico
Image Credit & Copyright:
Daniel Korona

Explanation: The new comet has passed its closest to the Sun and is now moving closer to the Earth. C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) is currently moving out from inside the orbit of Venus and on track to pass its nearest to the Earth in about two weeks. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, pronounced “Choo-cheen-shahn At-less,”, is near naked-eye visibility and easily picked up by long-exposure cameras. The comet can also now be found by observers in Earth’s northern hemisphere as well as the south. The featured image was captured just a few days ago above Zacatecas, Mexico. Because clouds were obscuring much of the pre-dawn sky, the astrophotographer released a drone to take pictures from higher up, several of which were later merged to enhance the comet’s visibility. Although the future brightness of comets is hard to predict, there is increasing hope that Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS will further brighten as it enters the early evening sky.

Growing Gallery: Comet Tsuchinsan-ATLAS in 2024
Tomorrow’s picture: black hole jet

Daniel Korona

说明: 这颗新彗星已经通过最接近太阳的位置,现在正往地球靠近。目前彗星A3(C/2023 A3 紫金山–阿特拉斯)正从金星轨道之内往外移动,预计大约再过两星期,就会通过最接近地球的位置。目前紫金山–阿特拉斯彗星的亮度接近肉眼可见,是以进行长曝光取像的相机,可以轻易捕捉到这颗彗星,而且北半球和南半球的观星者,都能看到它的身影。这幅主题影像,则是在数天前摄于墨西哥 萨卡特卡斯市的上空。当时因为云层遮住了大部分黎明前的天空,天文摄影者只能使用无人机从高空拍下许多照片,然后再叠合其中的部分,以增加彗星的清晰度。尽管彗星未来的亮度很难预测,但随着紫金山–阿特拉斯彗星移入傍晚的夜空,人们期望它的亮度也会持续增加。

不断增加的画廊: 2024年的紫金山-阿特拉斯彗星
明日的图片: black hole jet

1 条回复

  1. 2024年9月30日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: comet above clouds […]

