


How to Identify that Light in the Sky
Illustration Credit & Copyright:
HK (The League of Lost Causes)

Explanation: What is that light in the sky? The answer to one of humanity’s more common questions may emerge from a few quick observations. For example — is it moving or blinking? If so, and if you live near a city, the answer is typically an airplane, since planes are so numerous and so few stars and satellites are bright enough to be seen over the glare of artificial city lights. If not, and if you live far from a city, that bright light is likely a planet such as Venus or Mars — the former of which is constrained to appear near the horizon just before dawn or after dusk. Sometimes the low apparent motion of a distant airplane near the horizon makes it hard to tell from a bright planet, but even this can usually be discerned by the plane’s motion over a few minutes. Still unsure? The featured chart gives a sometimes-humorous but mostly-accurate assessment. Dedicated sky enthusiasts will likely note — and are encouraged to provide — polite corrections.

Chart translations: Italian, German, Latvian, Persian, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish

Tomorrow’s picture: big lion

HK (The League of Lost Causes)

说明: 天空的那抹亮光是什么?这或许是人们常有的疑问之一;而在经过一些快速的观察之后,或许就能得到答案。例如:它在动且在闪烁?如果答案为”是”,而你又住在城市附近,这样的景观通常是源自飞机,因为飞机数量众多,而比都市灯火还要亮的恒星和人造卫星数量寥寥。如果答案为”否”,而且你住在远离都市的地方,那这种亮光可能来自金星火星这类的行星,而前者通常出现在日出前或日落后的地平线附近。然而,有时候在远方地平线上空的飞机会缓慢移动,让它很难和明亮的行星加以区隔,不过经过数分钟之后,飞机的运动还是能让它和行星甄别出来。还无法确定吗?上面这张主题图表,揭示了一些偶而带着幽默但基本上正确的判断过程。星空热爱者应能找到一些该修订之处,欢迎提出订正,但语气请宛转一些。

图表翻译: 意大利语德语拉脱维亚语波斯语波兰语西班牙语、和土耳其语

明日的图片: big lion

2 条回复

  1. 2024年6月9日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: what’s that? […]

  2. 2024年7月9日

    […] 说明: 这团云有二个不寻常之处。首先,它是罕见的夜光云,意即它是夜晚才可见的云种,而且可见时段紧在日出前或日落后。其次,这团夜光云的起源已知。在此一稀有的案例里,这片在高层大气中反射阳光的冰晶之来源,可以回溯到大约30分钟前,于附近发射的一枚太空探险公司的火箭。这团正式名称为极地中气层云的冰晶云,其絮丝状涡旋的核心恰好位于东升的新月前方。这张主题影像和附随的影片,是大约在一星期前摄于美国 佛罗里达州的奥兰多市。月亮右方的光点是木星,而右侧地平线上方的虚线状光迹则是来自一架飞机。 […]

