


Looking Back at an Eclipsed Earth
Image Credit:
Mir 27 Crew; Copyright: CNES

Explanation: Here is what the Earth looks like during a solar eclipse. The shadow of the Moon can be seen darkening part of Earth. This shadow moved across the Earth at nearly 2000 kilometers per hour. Only observers near the center of the dark circle see a total solar eclipse – others see a partial eclipse where only part of the Sun appears blocked by the Moon. This spectacular picture of the 1999 August 11 solar eclipse was one of the last ever taken from the Mir space station. The two bright spots that appear on the upper left are thought to be Jupiter and Saturn. Mir was deorbited in a controlled re-entry in 2001. A new solar eclipse will occur over North America in about two weeks.

Tomorrow’s picture: open see

Mir 27 Crew; 影像版权: CNES

说明: 这是日食期间的地球景观。月球暗影会使部份地球表面变暗,而月影以每小时接近2000公里的速度,扫过地球。只有在圆形暗影中心附近的观察者,才能看到日全食,其他区域的人,则看见了部分太阳被月亮遮住的日偏食。这张精彩的照片摄于1999年8月11日,时值日食发生之时,而它是和平号太空站拍摄的最末批照片之一。影像左上角的二个亮点,咸认为是木星与土星。这座太空站于2001年接到脱离轨道受控重返地球大气的指令。再过大约2星期,北美洲可见到另一例新日食

明日的图片: open see

2 条回复

  1. 2024年3月25日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: looking back […]

  2. 2024年4月11日

    […] 说明: 透过起始于左上角的7张清晰序列照片,可以追踪4月8日的日全食之历程。这个影像序列,是用搭配望远镜的相机,摄于月亮的影子沿着狭窄的全食带,扫过美国佛蒙特州的新港市之时。最中间的那幅呈现了太阳壮丽的日冕。而太阳的稀薄外层大气,也只有在日全食的食甚阶段,才得以用肉眼轻易在清朗幽暗的天空中观赏。从新港市看出去,此次日食的食甚阶段持续了大约3分26秒。 […]

