

A Total Solar Eclipse Close-Up in Real Time
Video Credit & Copyright:
Jun Ho Oh (KAIST, HuboLab);
Music: Flowing Air by Mattia Vlad Morleo

Explanation: How would you feel if the Sun disappeared? Many eclipse watchers across the USA surprised themselves in 2017 with the awe that they felt and the exclamations that they made as the Sun momentarily disappeared behind the Moon. Perhaps expecting just a brief moment of dusk, the spectacle of unusually rapid darkness, breathtakingly bright glowing beads around the Moon’s edge, shockingly pink solar prominences, and a strangely detailed corona stretching across the sky caught many a curmudgeon by surprise. Many of these attributes were captured in the featured real-time, three-minute video of 2017’s total solar eclipse. The video frames were acquired in Warm Springs, Oregon with equipment specifically designed by Jun Ho Oh to track a close-up of the Sun’s periphery during eclipse. As the video ends, the Sun is seen being reborn on the other side of the Moon from where it departed. Next month, on April 8th, a new total solar eclipse will be visible in a thin band across North America.

Tomorrow’s picture: strange horizon

Jun Ho Oh (KAIST, HuboLab);
配乐: Flowing Air by Mattia Vlad Morleo

说明: 如果太阳消失了,你的感受会是什么?2017年散布在美国各地的日食观赏者,于太阳短暂消失在月亮后方时,对自己感受到的敬畏和惊叹深为惊讶。或许原先只是预期暮色会短暂降临,然而极快速降临的黑暗、月盘边缘令人屏息的明亮贝里珠、叹为观止的粉红日珥、及绵延整个天空的细致日冕,则完全超出许多人的意料。上述的数个特点,出现在这部摄于2017年日全食期间的3分钟长实时影片里。这部摄于美国奥勒冈温泉镇的影片,使用了Jun Ho Oh所设计的特殊设备,对全食期间出现在太阳边缘的景观进行细部观测。在影片结尾时,太阳月盘的另一侧复现和离开。下个月的4月18日,在穿过北美洲的细窄食带里,可见到另一例日全食

明日的图片: strange horizon

2 条回复

  1. 2024年3月3日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: behind the Moon […]

  2. 2024年3月10日

    […] 说明: 为了看日全食,你愿意专程到世界的尽头吗?如果答案是肯定的,你会意外有人比你早到吗?在2003年的南极洲日全食之时,太阳、月亮和二位摄影师全都在南极洲列队。即使是地点极端偏僻,还是有一群日食热爱族,勇闯世界的底部,以体验太阳消失在月亮后方的短暂超现实感,而上面这幅主题影像就是他们的珍藏之一。影像是由4张数位照片组合而成,以模拟人类肉眼调适之后所见到的日食景观。拍照时,月亮与太阳刚好悬在南极一座山脊的上方。在突然降临的黑暗里,肉眼可见到镶在月亮边缘的壮丽日冕。他们所拍摄的众多影像之一,很意外地拍到一位正在检查相机的拍照者,而他的左边则放着随身的装备袋与折叠椅。一例较轻松就可见的日食将在4星期之内发生,可见区域为穿过北美洲的一道颀长而狭窄的食带。 […]

