


Shades of Night
Image Credit & Copyright:
Dario Giannobile

Explanation: How does the sky turn dark at night? In stages, and with different characteristic colors rising from the horizon. The featured image shows, left to right, increasingly late twilight times after sunset in 20 different vertical bands. The picture was taken last month in Syracuse, Sicily, Italy, in the direction opposite the Sun. On the far left is the pre-sunset upper sky. Toward the right, prominent bands include the Belt of Venus, the Blue Band, the Horizon Band, and the Red Band. As the dark shadow of the Earth rises, the colors in these bands are caused by direct sunlight reflecting from air and aerosols in the Earth’s atmosphere, multiple reflections sometimes involving a reddened sunset, and refraction. In practice, these bands can be diffuse and hard to discern, and their colors can depend on colors near the setting Sun. Finally, the Sun completely sets and the sky becomes dark. Don’t despair — the whole thing will happen in reverse when the Sun rises again in the morning.

Tomorrow’s picture: extra February

Dario Giannobile

说明: 夜空是如何变暗的?会分阶段,同时并有相对应的特征色彩从地平线升起。这幅由20个垂直带拼成的主题影像,从左到右呈现了太阳下山后愈来愈晚的暮光时分。这幅影像是在上个月,背对太阳摄于意大利西西里岛的锡拉库萨市。影像最左边的是日落前的天空。在其右侧,较鲜明的带区有金星带蓝带地平线带和红带。随着地球的影子升起,这些带的颜色是源自地球大气的空气和气溶反射的阳光,及有时经过多次反射和折射红化阳光。在实际景观里,这些带可能很弥漫难以辨识,而它们的颜色也会取决于落日周围的色彩。最后,太阳深深没入地平面,天空变得漆黑如墨。不过别绝望,当早晨的太阳再次东升时,将出现与入夜完全相反的过程。

明日的图片: extra February

2 条回复

  1. 2024年2月28日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: how night falls […]

  2. 2024年4月22日

    […] 说明: 对了,你看过的火山有这么神奇吗?挺令人惊讶的,埃特纳火山偶尔会冒烟圈。用专业术语来说,这种烟圈称为涡旋圈,起因是火山壁会稍微减缓排放烟柱外层的速度,而内层的气体则相对快速移动,从而造就了一圈低压环,使得排放出的火山气体和火山灰形成涡环。这种我们相当熟悉的几何结构,有时在上升时会意外的稳定。火山烟圈非常罕见,其形成要排放孔的几何形状正确、排放烟尘的速度刚好、及外部大气相对平静等条件皆同时存在。在这幅大约2周前摄于意大利西西里岛冈吉镇的主题影像里,可见到多个火山烟圈。这片景观以黎明时分太阳的泛红阳光为背光,背景里还可见到一轮蛾眉新月。 […]

