10 Days of Venus and Jupiter
Image Credit & Copyright: Soumyadeep Mukherjee
Explanation: Venus and Jupiter may have caught your attention lately. The impending close conjunction of the two brightest planets visible in clear evening skies has been hard to miss. With Jupiter at the top, starting on February 21 and ending on March 2, their close approach is chronicled daily, left to right, in these panels recorded from Dhanbad, India. Near the western horizon, the evening sky colors and exposures used for each panel depend on the local conditions near sunset. On February 22, Jupiter and Venus were joined by the young crescent Moon. The celestial pair appeared to be only the width of a full moon apart by March 2. Of course on that date the two planets were physically separated by over 600 million kilometers in their orbits around the Sun. In the coming days Jupiter will slowly settle into the glare at sunset, but Venus will continue to move farther from the Sun in the western sky to excel in its current role as the brilliant evening star.
Jupiter & Venus Conjunction Gallery: Notable Submissions to APOD
Tomorrow’s picture: a postcard view
图像提供与版权: Soumyadeep Mukherjee
说明: 最近你可能有在关注金星和木星的行踪。这两颗清朗夜空中最明亮的行星即将发生近合,带来难以错过的景观。这些在2月21日到3月2日之间摄于印度.丹巴德市的图板,逐日记录了金星与木星(上)的进程。图板聚焦西方地平线附近的天空,而每个图板所记录傍晚天空色彩及曝光长度,则取决于日落时分的当地条件。在2月22日,新月参与了这场木星和金星的盛会。而在3月2日,这对行星的角间距与满月的张角相当。想当然耳,緃然在那天,这两颗行星于绕行太阳轨道上的物间距还是超过6亿公里。在接下来的几天里,木星在黄昏时分会慢慢融入落日的炫光之中,但金星在西方的天空中将持续远离太阳,以成为如假包换的明亮昏星。
木星与金星近合画廊: 提交给APOD的值得注意的照片
明日的图片: a postcard view