


A Lion in Orion
Image Credit & Copyright:
Maroun Mahfoud

Explanation: Yes, but can you see the lion? A deep exposure shows the famous dark indentation that looks like a horse’s head, visible just left and below center, and known unsurprisingly as the Horsehead Nebula. The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) is part of a vast complex of dark absorbing dust and bright glowing gas. To bring out details of the Horsehead’s pasture, an astrophotographer artistically combined light accumulated for over 20 hours in hydrogen (orange), oxygen (blue), and sulfur (green). The resulting spectacular picture captured from Raachine, Lebanon, details an intricate tapestry of gaseous wisps and dust-laden filaments that were created and sculpted over eons by stellar winds and ancient supernovas. The featured composition brings up another pareidolic animal icon — that of a lion’s head — in the expansive orange colored gas above the horse’s head. The Flame Nebula is visible just to the left of the Horsehead. The Horsehead Nebula lies 1,500 light years distant towards the constellation of Orion.

Tomorrow’s picture: oddly inverted moon

Maroun Mahfoud

说明: 你看到狮子吗?在这幅深空影像里,中左下方有形似马头的暗斑,而毫不意外的,它就是著名的马头星云。马头星云(巴纳德33),本身是由黝黑不透光尘埃及明亮气体汇集成的庞大复合体之一部分。为了突显马头星云附近区域的细微结构,一位具有艺术素养的天文摄影者,整合了总曝光时间超过20小时的氢(橙)、氧(蓝)及硫(绿)辐射波段之影像。这幅摄于黎巴嫩Raachine的精采影像,极细致的呈现由恒星风及远古超新星所造就及雕塑出的繁复 丝状云气与尘埃挂毯。除此之外,在这幅主题影像的马头星云上方之大片橙色气体里,经由空想性错视亦可隐约见到一颗狮子头,而马头的左方则有火焰星云。马头星云位在北天的猎户座方向,离我们约1,500光年远。

明日的图片: oddly inverted moon

