标签: STS-1


In the early morning hours of April 12, 1981, NASA launched is first Space Transportation System, or space shuttle, mission, carrying astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen into orbit. Mission Commander John Youn had already flown in space four times, including a walk on the Moon in 1972. Bob Crippen, the pilot, was a Navy test pilot who would go on to com...


从空间站安全返回地球… 迎接下一批商业宇航员飞行的宇航员… 以及人类登月系统发展的最新进展… 最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 翻译:灼眼的粉丝 4月16日,国际空间站的第64号远征队成员——包括NASA的凯特·鲁宾斯,结束了在空间站的工作。在与告别了留在轨道前哨基地上的人员后,鲁宾斯、俄罗斯航天局的谢尔盖·雷日科夫和谢尔盖·库德·斯维尔奇科夫登上了联盟号宇宙飞船返回地球。三人于4月17日上午在哈萨克斯坦安全着陆,此前他们在空间站进行了185天的研究和维护。 4月16日,NASA SpaceX Crew-2空间站任务的宇航员抵达肯尼迪航天中心,在飞往空间站之前,进行最后的发射前活动。Crew-2目前定于4月22日从肯尼迪发射中心39A发射。 NASA宇航员梅根·麦克阿...


When space shuttle Columbia took to the skies on its maiden voyage on April 12, 1981, a new era of spaceflight took wing. Space Transportation System-1, or STS-1, was the first of its kind when it lifted off from NASA Kennedy Space Center. In this image, the reusable orbiter, its two fuel tanks and two solid rocket boosters has just cleared the launch tower....