标签: star streams


2023年5月19日 Curly Spiral Galaxy M63 Image Credit & Copyright: Sophie Paulin, Jens Unger, Jakob Sahner Explanation: A bright spiral galaxy of the northern sky, Messier 63 is nearby, about 30 million light-years distant toward the loyal constellation Canes Venatici. Also cataloged as NGC 5055, the majestic island universe is nearly 100,000 light-years acro...

星系NGC 1055

2020年12月24日 Portrait of NGC 1055 Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 1055 is a dominant member of a small galaxy group a mere 60 million light-years away toward the aquatically intimidating constellation Cetus. Seen edge-on, the island universe spans over 100,000 light-years, a little larger than our own M...

M63: 向日葵星系

2020年12月04日 Curly Spiral Galaxy M63 Image Credit & Copyright: Fabian Neyer, Rainer Spani Collaboration Credit: I.D. Karachentsev, F. Neyer, R. Spani, T. Zilch Explanation: A bright spiral galaxy of the northern sky, Messier 63 is nearby, about 30 million light-years distant toward the loyal constellation Canes Venatici. Also cataloged as NGC 5055, the m...