标签: PDS 70

恒星PDS 70的吸积盘、行星及卫星

2023年10月17日 PDS 70: Disk, Planets, and Moons Image Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); M. Benisty et al. Explanation: It’s not the big ring that’s attracting the most attention. Although the big planet-forming ring around the star PDS 70 is clearly imaged and itself quite interesting. It’s also not the planet on the right, just inside the big dis...

PDS 70的拱星盘、行星及卫星

2021年8月24日 PDS 70: Disk, Planets, and Moons Image Credit: VLT/MUSE (ESO); M. Benisty et al. Explanation: It’s not the big disk that’s attracting the most attention. Although the big planet-forming disk around the star PDS 70 is clearly imaged and itself quite interesting. It’s also not the planet on the right, just inside the big disk, that...