标签: Moons

恒星PDS 70的吸积盘、行星及卫星

2023年10月17日 PDS 70: Disk, Planets, and Moons Image Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); M. Benisty et al. Explanation: It’s not the big ring that’s attracting the most attention. Although the big planet-forming ring around the star PDS 70 is clearly imaged and itself quite interesting. It’s also not the planet on the right, just inside the big dis...


2023年6月13日 Moons Across Jupiter Image Credit: NASA; ESA, JPL, Cassini Imaging Team, SSI; Processing: Kevin M. Gill Explanation: Jupiter’s moons circle Jupiter. The featured video depicts Europa and Io, two of Jupiter’s largest moons, crossing in front of the grand planet’s Great Red Spot, the largest known storm system in our Solar System. ...


2022年10月25日 Jupiter Rotates as Moons Orbit Video Credit & Copyright: Makrem Larnaout Explanation: Jupiter and its moons move like our Sun and its planets. Similarly, Jupiter spins while its moons circle around. Jupiter’s rotation can be observed by tracking circulating dark belts and light zones. The Great Red Spot, the largest storm known, rotates to b...


2022年1月4日 Moons Beyond Rings at Saturn Image Credit: NASA, ESA, JPL, Cassini Imaging Team Explanation: What’s happened to that moon of Saturn? Nothing — Saturn’s moon Rhea is just partly hidden behind Saturn’s rings. In 2010, the robotic Cassini spacecraft then orbiting Saturn took this narrow-angle view looking across the Solar Syste...


在木卫二发现羽流是一个令人兴奋的展望,但科学家警告说,即使近距离观察,也会很棘手。 2005年,从土星卫星土卫二表面喷发出的明亮的水状羽流图像吸引了全世界的目光。从土卫二南极地区喷射出来的巨大蒸汽柱、冰粒子和有机分子表明,在土卫二的冰壳下面有液态水海洋,也证实了土卫二的地质活动非常活跃。烟柱还将土卫二和太阳系外的其他行星推向了NASA寻找生命迹象名单的前列,这些星球既没有大气层,也远离太阳热量。 科学家们现在正准备前往另一个可能有羽状物的冰封海洋世界:木星的卫星木卫二。NASA的欧罗巴快船计划于2024年发射,它将从木卫二的深层内部到表面对其进行研究,以确定它是否含有使其成为适宜生命家园的成分。 与土卫二一样,木卫二在地质上也是动态的,这意味着这两颗卫星的固体层在与主行星和邻近卫星的引力拉力赛中拉伸和弯曲时,都...


2021年11月30日 In Motion: Uranus and Moons Video Credit: David Campbell (U. Hertfordshire), Bayfordbury Observatory Explanation: What’s that moving across the sky? A planet just a bit too faint to see with the unaided eye: Uranus. The gas giant out past Saturn was tracked earlier this month near opposition — when it was closest to Earth and at its b...


2021年8月21日 Triple Transit and Mutual Events Image Credit & Copyright: Christopher Go Explanation: These three panels feature the Solar System’s ruling gas giant Jupiter on August 15 as seen from Cebu City, Philippines, planet Earth. On that date the well-timed telescopic views detail some remarkable performances, transits and mutual events, by Jup...


2021年07月06日 Saturn and Six Moons Image Credit & Copyright: Mohammad Ranjbaran; MR Thanks: Amir Ehteshami Explanation: How many moons does Saturn have? So far 82 have been confirmed, the smallest being only a fraction of a kilometer across. Six of its largest satellites can be seen here in a composite image with 13 short exposure of the bright planet, an...