标签: M44


2023年6月10日 Mars and the Beehive Image Credit & Copyright: Rolando Ligustri Explanation: This month, bright Mars and brilliant Venus are the prominent celestial beacons in planet Earth’s western skies after sunset. Wandering through the constellation Cancer the Crab, the Red Planet was captured here on the evening of June 3 near the stars of open c...

M44: 鬼宿星团

2022年4月30日 M44: The Beehive Cluster Image Credit & Copyright: Drew Evans Explanation: A mere 600 light-years away, M44 is one of the closest star clusters to our solar system. Also known as the Praesepe or the Beehive cluster its stars are young though, about 600 million years old compared to our Sun’s 4.5 billion years. Based on similar ages and ...