标签: IC 2118

IC 2118: 女巫头星云

2023年10月4日 IC 2118: The Witch Head Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Abdullah Alharbi Explanation: Does this nebula look like the head of a witch? The nebula is known popularly as the Witch Head Nebula because, it is said, the nebula’s shape resembles a Halloween-style caricature of a witch’s head. Exactly how, though, can be a topic of imagi...

星云IC 2118的食尸鬼

2020年10月29日 The Ghoul of IC 2118 Image Credit & Copyright: Casey Good/Steve Timmons Explanation: Inspired by the halloween season, this telescopic portrait captures a cosmic cloud with a scary visage. The interstellar scene lies within the dusty expanse of reflection nebula IC 2118 in the constellation Orion, the Hunter. IC 2118 is about 800 light-years...