标签: Humans in Space


As the Crew-2 mission departed the International Space Station aboard SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour, the crew snapped this image of the station during a flyaround of the orbiting lab that took place following undocking from the Harmony module’s space-facing port on Nov. 8, 2021. 2021年11月8日,当Crew-2任务机组成员搭乘SpaceX 载人龙飞船奋进号离开国际空间站时,机组人员在2021年11月8日从和谐号舱面向空间的端口脱离后绕...


NASA astronaut Victor Glover speaks with students about his time aboard the International Space Station, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, at Ben’s Chili Bowl in Washington. Students from Cardozo Educational Campus, Friendship Technology Preparatory High School, McKinley Technical High School, Phelps High School, and Wilson High School heard NASA astronauts Glover, M...


Looking much like ghosts, a pair of U.S. spacesuits are pictured inside the International Space Station’s Quest airlock ready for an upcoming spacewalk to be conducted by NASA astronauts Thomas Marshburn and Kayla Barron. 看上去很像幽灵,图中一对美国宇航服在国际空间站的探索气闸内,为美国宇航局宇航员托马斯·马什本和凯拉·巴伦即将进行的太空行走做准备。 Image Credit: NASA 图片来源:美国宇航局


2021年11月8日星期一,SpaceX载人龙飞船奋进号在佛罗里达州彭萨科拉海岸外的墨西哥湾溅落后不久,SpaceX GO Navigator回收船上的SpaceX载人龙飞船奋进号内可以看到欧空局(ESA)宇航员托马斯·佩斯奎特(左)、NASA宇航员梅根·麦克阿瑟和谢恩·金布罗以及日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)宇航员星出彰彦(右)。NASA的SpaceX Crew-2任务是SpaceX载人龙飞船和猎鹰9号火箭前往国际空间站的第二次运行任务,是NASA商业宇航员计划的一部分。 影像来源:NASA/Aubrey Gemignani NASA的SpaceX Crew-2宇航员周一乘坐奋进号飞船安全溅落在佛罗里达州海岸的墨西哥湾,完成了NASA第二次前往国际空间站的长期商业宇航员任务。这次任务创造了美国载人航天器...


NASA上周四(2021年11月4日)获悉,美国联邦索赔法院驳回了蓝色起源的投标抗议,支持NASA选择SpaceX开发和演示现代人类月球登陆器。NASA将尽快根据选项A合同恢复与SpaceX的合作。 除了这份合同,NASA继续与多家美国公司合作,以加强月球表面载人运输的竞争和商业准备工作。各公司即将有机会与NASA合作,根据NASA的阿尔忒弥斯计划在月球上建立长期的人类存在,包括在2022年呼吁美国工业界提供定期载人登月服务。 通过阿耳忒弥斯任务,NASA将引领世界,让第一位女性和第一位有色人种在月球表面着陆,在月球上和周围开展广泛的行动,并为人类的火星任务做好准备。


In this image taken on Oct. 30, 2021, an aurora dimly intersected with Earth’s airglow as the International Space Station flew into an orbital sunrise 264 miles above the Pacific Ocean before crossing over Canada. 在这张拍摄于2021年10月30日的图片中,当国际空间站在飞越加拿大之前在太平洋上空264英里处的轨道上飞行时,极光与地球的气光黯然相交,。 Image Credit: NASA 图片来源:美国宇航局

SpaceX Crew-3推出

In this 90-second exposure, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft onboard is seen as it is rolled out to the launch pad at Launch Complex 39A as preparations continued for the Crew-3 mission, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA’s SpaceX Crew-3 mission is the third crew rotation mission ...

笑一笑! 你在国际空间站上

On Oct. 4, 2021, the seven-member Expedition 65 crew gathered for a portrait inside the vestibule in between the International Space Station’s Unity module and Tranquility module. In the front row from left are; Commander Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency; and NASA astronauts Megan McArthur and Shane Kimbrough. In the back are: Roscosmos cosm...


The atmospheric glow blankets the Earth’s horizon beneath the stars, as shown in a photo taken while the International Space Station orbited 261 miles above the Pacific Ocean southeast of Japan. 如国际空间站在日本东南的太平洋上空261英里处运行时拍摄的照片所示,大气层的光辉覆盖了星空下的地球地平线。 On Tuesday, Sept. 28, three residents of the station will take a short ride aboard a Soyuz MS-18, relocat...


Space Station Commander Akihiko Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency conducts research using DNA sequencing to help monitor and identify microbes on spacecraft to increase the safety of future human missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. 日本宇宙航空研究开发机构的空间站指挥官星出彰彦(Akihiko Hoshide)利用DNA测序进行研究,以帮助监测和识别航天器上的微生物,以提高未来人类登月、火星等任务的安全性。 Image Credit: NASA...