标签: Hubble Space Telescope


A little-studied star, TYC 3203-450-1, upstages a galaxy in this Hubble Telescope image from December 2017. Both the star and the galaxy are within the Lizard constellation, Lacerta. However, the star is much closer than the much more distant galaxy. Astronomers studying distant objects call these stars “foreground stars” and they are often not very happy ab...


通过分析来自NASA哈勃太空望远镜和其他几个天文台的数据,天文学家得出结论,明亮的红色超巨星参宿四在2019年发生爆炸,失去了大部分可见表面,并产生了巨大的表面物质抛射(SME)。这是在正常恒星的行为中从未见过的现象。 我们的太阳通常会抛射出其稀薄的外层大气日冕的一部分,这被称为日冕物质抛射(CME)。但是参宿四SME爆炸的质量是典型CME的4,000亿倍! 这颗巨型恒星仍在缓慢地从这场灾难性的剧变中恢复。“参宿四现在仍在做一些非常不寻常的事情;它的内部有点反弹。”马萨诸塞州剑桥哈佛和史密森天体物理中心的安德里亚·杜普利说。 这些新的观测结果提供了一些线索,让我们了解到红色恒星在其核聚变熔炉烧尽后,在爆炸成为超新星之前,是如何在生命后期失去质量。质量损失的数量显著影响它们的命运。然而,参宿四出人意料的暴躁行为并...


This celestial cloudscape from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope captures the colorful region in the Orion Nebula surrounding the Herbig-Haro object HH 505. Herbig-Haro objects are luminous regions surrounding newborn stars that form when stellar winds or jets of gas spew from these infant stars creating shockwaves that collide with nearby gas and dust at ...


This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observation has captured the galaxy CGCG 396-2, an unusual multi-armed galaxy merger which lies around 520 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Orion. This observation is a gem from the Galaxy Zoo project, a citizen science project involving hundreds of thousands of volunteers from around the world who clas...


一颗恒星的死亡痛苦剧烈地扰乱了它的行星系,以至于留下的死恒星,即白矮星,正在吸走系统内外的碎片。这是天文学家首次观测到白矮星同时消耗岩石金属和冰质物质,这是行星的组成成分。 NASA哈勃太空望远镜和其他NASA观测站的档案数据对于诊断这起宇宙同类相食案件至关重要。这些发现有助于描述演化行星系统的剧烈性质,并可以告诉天文学家新形成系统的组成。 这些发现是基于对附近白矮星G238-44大气中捕获的物质的分析。白矮星是像我们的太阳一样的恒星在核聚变过程中,外层脱落并停止燃烧燃料后的残留物。“我们从未见过这两种物体同时吸积到一颗白矮星上。”首席研究员、加州大学洛杉矶分校本科毕业生特德·约翰逊说。“通过研究这些白矮星,我们希望对仍然完整的行星系统有更好地了解。” 这一发现也很有趣,因为人们认为小型冰状天体撞击并“灌溉”了...


Like Sherlock Holmes’s magnifying glass, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope can peer into an astronomical mystery in search of clues. The enigma in question concerns the globular cluster Ruprecht 106, pictured here. Unlike most globular clusters, Ruprecht 106 may be what astronomers call a single population globular cluster. While the majority of stars in a...


This new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope looks at two spiral galaxies, collectively known as Arp 303. The pair, individually called IC 563 (bottom right) and IC 564 (top left), are 275 million light-years away in the direction of the constellation Sextans. The image holds data from two separate Hubble observations of Arp 303. The first used Hubble’s...


This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a section of the spiral galaxy nicknamed the Needle’s Eye – an appropriately diminutive name for a dwarf spiral galaxy. The Needle’s Eye, also known as NGC 247 and Caldwell 62, is located about 11 million light-years away in the Sculptor Group – the closest group of galaxies to our own (the Local Group). The galaxy was...


NASA的哈勃太空望远镜完成了近30年的马拉松比赛,校准了40多个时空“里程碑”,以帮助科学家精确测量宇宙的膨胀率——这是一项曲折的探索。 这组来自NASA哈勃太空望远镜的 36 幅图像展示了这些特征星系,它们都是造父变星和超新星的宿主。 这两种天体现象都是天文学家用来确定天文距离的重要工具,并已被用于改进我们对哈勃常数(宇宙膨胀率)的测量。 这张照片中显示的星系(从顶行,左行到底行,右行)是:NGC 7541,NGC 3021,NGC 5643,NGC 3254,NGC 3147,NGC 105,NGC 2608,NGC 3583,NGC 3147,Mrk 1337,NGC 5861,NGC 2525,NGC 1015,UGC 9391,NGC 691,NGC 7678,NGC 2442,NGC 5468,N...


This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image captures the central region of the gigantic elliptical galaxy NGC 474. Located some 100 million light-years from Earth, NGC 474 spans about 250,000 light-years across – that’s 2.5 times larger than our own Milky Way galaxy! Along with its enormous size, NGC 474 has a series of complex layered shells that surround it...