标签: Earth’s Moon


Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, lunar module pilot of Apollo 11, the first lunar landing mission, poses for a photograph beside the deployed United States flag during a walk on the lunar surface. The lunar module is on the left, and the footprints of the astronauts are clearly visible in the soil of the moon. Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, mission commander, took this ...




6月份的天空会发生什么? 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 翻译:灼眼的粉丝 火星和金星,夏天的星星,还有夏至! 随着北半球夏季明亮的行星升起,战争和爱情的行星每晚都越来越近。请注意21号的夏至。 月度亮点 6月1日至2日——火星位于蜂巢星团(M44)。天黑后在西方寻找这颗红色的行星,双筒望远镜或小型望远镜会在这个开放的星团中发现一个闪闪发光的恒星背景。 6月3日——满月 6月18日——新月 6月21日——今晚新月与金星和火星组成一个可爱的组合。日落后在西方找到它们。 6月21日——夏至。对北方来说,这是一年中白昼时间最长的一天,因为太阳在天空中的轨迹最高、最长。南半球的情况正好相反,在寒冷的冬季,南半球一年中白昼时间最短的一天。 整月——日落之后,火星和金星在西方天空的每个夜晚都越来越近。每晚这对双...






From left, astronauts Jeremy Hansen, Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman and Christina Hammock Koch talk with television host Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on April 5, 2023. The astronauts, who will orbit the Moon aboard Artemis II in late 2024, appeared on the show after being named by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency on Apri...


Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen (from left) and NASA astronauts Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman, and Christina Koch greet the crowd at Ellington Field near NASA’s Johnson Space Center on Monday, April 3, 2023. They make up the Artemis II crew, with Wiseman as commander, Glover as pilot, and Koch and Hansen as mission specialists. The four will vent...


The Moon is seen passing in front of the Sun during a solar eclipse from Ross Lake, Northern Cascades National Park, Washington on Aug. 21, 2017. A total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the contiguous United States from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. A partial solar eclipse was visible across the entire North American con...


Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly snapped this photo of the Earth’s crescent, the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter (from top to bottom) on Aug. 6, 2015, while he was aboard the International Space Station. These celestial bodies have been quite close in the night sky; on March 1, Venus and Jupiter were nearest to each other. For more skywatching tips, check out our ...