标签: apogee


2023年10月5日 Ring of Fire over Monument Valley Image Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel (TWAN) Explanation: Tracking along a narrow path, the shadow of a new moon will race across North, Central, and South America, on October 14. When viewed from the shadow path the apparent size of the lunar disk will not quite completely cover the Sun though. Instead, the m...


2023年1月6日 Moon O’Clock 2022 Image Credit & Copyright: Niveth Kumar Explanation: The first Full Moon of 2023 is in the sky tonight opposite the Sun at 23:08 UTC. Big and beautiful, the Moon at its brightest phase should be easy to spot. Still, for quick reference images captured near the times of all the full moons of 2022 are aranged in this dedic...


2022年1月1日 The Full Moon of 2021 Image Credit & Copyright: Soumyadeep Mukherjee Explanation: Every Full Moon of 2021 shines in this year-spanning astrophoto project, a composite portrait of the familiar lunar nearside at each brightest lunar phase. Arranged by moonth, the year progresses in stripes beginning at the top. Taken with the same camera and len...


2021年06月11日 Eclipse Flyby Image Credit & Copyright: Zev Hoover, Christian Lockwood, and Zoe Chakoian Explanation: On June 10 a New Moon passed in front of the Sun. In silhouette only two days after reaching apogee, the most distant point in its elliptical orbit, the Moon’s small apparent size helped create an annular solar eclipse. The brief but s...