标签: airglow


2023年2月15日 Airglow Sky over France Image Credit & Copyright: Julien Looten Explanation: This unusual sky was both familiar and unfamiliar. The photographer’s mission was to capture the arch of the familiar central band of our Milky Way Galaxy over a picturesque medieval manor. The surprise was that on this January evening, the foreground sky was f...


2022年11月20日 Airglow Ripples over Tibet Image Credit & Copyright: Jeff Dai Explanation: Why would the sky look like a giant target? Airglow. Following a giant thunderstorm over Bangladesh in late April, giant circular ripples of glowing air appeared over Tibet, China, as pictured here. The unusual pattern is created by atmospheric gravity waves, waves of...


2022年3月13日 Colorful Airglow Bands Surround Milky Way Image Credit & Copyright: Xiaohan Wang Explanation: Why would the sky glow like a giant repeating rainbow? Airglow. Now air glows all of the time, but it is usually hard to see. A disturbance however — like an approaching storm — may cause noticeable rippling in the Earth’s atmospher...


2021年9月6日 Firefly Milky Way over Russia Image Credit & Copyright: Anton Komlev Explanation: It started with a pine tree. The idea was to photograph a statuesque pine in front of the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. And the plan, carried out two months ago, was successful — they both appear prominently. But the resulting 3-frame panorama captu...


2021年04月18日 Rainbow Airglow over the Azores Image Credit & Copyright: Miguel Claro (TWAN); Rollover Annotation: Judy Schmidt Explanation: Why would the sky glow like a giant repeating rainbow? Airglow. Now air glows all of the time, but it is usually hard to see. A disturbance however — like an approaching storm — may cause noticeable rippli...