标签: 飓风


As the International Space Station orbited 261 miles above Earth on Aug. 29, 2023, one of the space station’s external high-definition cameras captured Hurricane Idalia in the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Idalia made landfall over the Big Bend region of Florida on the morning of Aug. 30, 2023, as a category 3 storm. Winds measured 205 kilometers (125 miles) per...


A Rocket Lab Electron rocket stands on Pad B, Launch Complex 1, in Māhia, New Zealand, just ahead of a successful launch on Friday, May 26, with NASA’s Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) CubeSats payload. Now that the final pair of CubeSats are in orbit, TROPICS will study the...


In 2021, Hurricane Ida left over 1 million people without power, tornadoes tore across the American Midwest, volcanoes forced people to evacuate their homes, wildfires covered the American West and unusual flooding wreaked havoc on Central Europe. 2021年,飓风艾达导致100多万人断电,龙卷风席卷美国中西部,火山爆发迫使人们撤离家园,野火覆盖美国西部,罕见的洪水对中欧造成严重破坏。 Some characteristics of natural hazards, s...


2021年9月15日 Cyclone Paths on Planet Earth Image Credit: National Hurricane Center, NOAA, NASA; Processing: Nilfanion (via Wikipedia) Explanation: Where on Earth do cyclones go? Known as hurricanes when in the Atlantic Ocean and typhoons when in the Pacific, the featured map shows the path of all major storms from 1985 through 2005. The map shows graphically t...


Taken on Aug. 29, 2021, this image shows Hurricane Ida as a category 4 storm nearing the southeast Louisiana coast from the International Space Station. In the foreground, is the Northrop Grumman Cygnus space freighter attached to the station’s Unity module. Since this image was taken, Ida has been downgraded to a tropical depression. Check out other a...

本周NASA速递(2020.9.18 )

创纪录大西洋风暴季的观测;西方大火的烟雾正向东移动;新的太阳周期开始了……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA NASA的航天器在太空持续观测着这一历史性的2020年大西洋飓风季的风暴,包括侵袭了美国墨西哥湾沿岸的飓风萨利(Hurricane Sally)。截至9月14日,破纪录的5个热带风暴系统同时出现在大西洋湾,出现的命名风暴多达20个,在卫星观测时代中的飓风季这还是最早最强劲的一次。 Credit:NASA 太空中的卫星还捕获了多张图像,显示了对于创纪录大火,风向变化是如何将产生的烟雾和气溶胶从美国西部带向东部的。气溶胶是一种微小的颗粒,如呼吸进入体内或将导致一系列健康问题。 Credit:NASA NASA还使用配备了烟雾穿透技术的飞机在野火燃烧区上空飞行,该技术有助于识别火灾中...

本周NASA速递(2020.8.28 )

阿耳忒弥斯3号任务(Artemis III)航天器的第一个元素;一名NASA宇航员被派到未来的商业载人飞行;在太空中观看一场强大的风暴……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA 在执行阿耳忒弥斯3号任务的猎户座飞船上,有一个压力容器,它的第一块组件现在就在NASA的米舒装配厂(Michoud Assembly Facility)中。第一块组件是一个窗户面板,用于为宇航员提供观察视野,这项任务将在2024年将第一位女性和下一位男性送上月球。(勘误:视频中应为下一位男性) Credit:NASA NASA已指派宇航员珍妮特·埃普斯(Jeanette Epps)进行波音公司CST-100星际飞机 (CST-100 Starliner)的首次操作性载人飞行,计划于2021年发射前往国际空间站。她将...


The crew aboard the International Space Station spotted Hurricane Genevieve off Mexico’s Pacific coast on Aug. 19, 2020. NASA’s Suomi NPP satellite also kept an eye on Hurricane Genevieve overnight and provided infrared imagery to forecasters who were monitoring the storm’s strength, structure and size. Because Genevieve is close to the coast of ...

本周NASA速递(2020.8.7 )

一次历史性试飞安全溅落(splashdown);未来任务的重要里程碑;纪念一位地球科学战士……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA “溅落!正如你在屏幕上看到的那样,我们对溅落进行了现场确认!”8月2日,SpaceX奋进号(Endeavour)载人龙飞船(Crew Dragon)在墨西哥湾溅落,安全地将NASA的道格·赫尔利(Doug Hurley)和鲍勃·本肯(Bob Behnken)从历史性的国际空间站(International Space Station)试飞任务中送回了地球,标志着人类太空飞行的新纪元。 Credit:NASA NASA局长吉姆·布里登斯坦(JimBridenstine)说道:“这真是让人兴奋不已的一天,但我们还得记住,这仅仅只是个开始。未来十分乐观,但需要这些...


2019年8月29日,飓风猎人正准备展开针对飓风“多里安”的侦察任务。 图片来源:美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA) 气象侦察机“青蛙克米特”(Kermit)和“猪小姐皮吉”(Miss Piggy)划过飓风的眼壁(eyewall),“受到狂风骤雨以及猛烈的上升气流和下降气流的连续冲击”,双双进入到风暴平静的中心位置,即它的风眼(eye)。这两架四引擎涡轮螺旋桨飞机的乘客,是来自国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administr,NOAA)的飓风狩猎科学家(hurricane hunting scientist),在飓风的风眼处,“青蛙克米特”和“猪小姐皮吉”开始了它们的工作。 这两架洛克希德WP-3D型号猎户座飞机(Lockheed WP-3D Orio...