标签: 英仙座


2022年8月19日 Saturn: 1993 – 2022 Image Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel (TWAN) Explanation: Saturn is the most distant planet of the Solar System easily visible to the unaided eye. With this extraordinary, long-term astro-imaging project begun in 1993, you can follow the ringed gas giant for one Saturn year as it wanders once around the ecliptic plane...


2022年8月18日 Full Moon Perseids Image Credit & Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado (Starry Earth, TWAN) Explanation: The annual Perseid meteor shower was near its peak on August 13. As planet Earth crossed through streams of debris left by periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle meteors rained in northern summer night skies. But even that night’s nearly Full Moon shi...


2022年8月7日 Meteor before Galaxy Image Credit & Copyright: Fritz Helmut Hemmerich Explanation: What’s that green streak in front of the Andromeda galaxy? A meteor. While photographing the Andromeda galaxy in 2016, near the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower, a small pebble from deep space crossed right in front of our Milky Way Galaxy’s far-dis...


2021年10月8日 The Double Cluster in Perseus Image Credit & Copyright: Jack Groves Explanation: This pretty starfield spans about three full moons (1.5 degrees) across the heroic northern constellation of Perseus. It holds the famous pair of open star clusters, h and Chi Persei. Also cataloged as NGC 869 (top) and NGC 884, both clusters are about 7,000 ligh...


2021年9月28日 Night of the Perseids Video Credit & Copyright: Vikas Chander & Dorje Angchuk; Music: Tea Time via PremiumBeat Explanation: Have you ever experienced a meteor shower? To help capture the wonder, a video was taken during the peak of the recent Perseid meteor shower above the Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle, India, high up in the ...


2021年9月24日 Perseid Outburst at Westmeath Lookout Image Credit & Copyright: Pierre Martin Explanation: This year an outburst of Perseid meteors surprised skywatchers. The reliable meteor shower’s peak was predicted for the night of August 12/13. But persistent visual observers in North America were deluged with a startling Perseid shower outburst a...


2021年8月16日 Perseid Meteor, Red Sprites, and Nova RS Ophiuchus Image Credit & Copyright: Daniel Korona Explanation: This was an unusual sky. It wasn’t unusual because of the central band the Milky Way Galaxy, visible along the image left. Most dark skies show part of the Milky Way. It wasn’t unusual because of the bright meteor visible on the...


2021年8月15日 Perseid Rain Image Credit & Copyright: Luo Hongyang Explanation: Comet dust rained down on planet Earth last week, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower. The featured picture is a composite of many images taken from the same location over the peak night of the Perseids. The umbrella was not needed as a shield from m...


2020年8月17日 Perseids Around the Milky Way Image Credit & Copyright: Jingyi Zhang Explanation: Why would meteor trails appear curved? The arcing effect arises only because the image artificially compresses (nearly) the whole sky into a rectangle. The meteors are from the Perseid Meteor Shower that peaked last week. The featured multi-frame image combines n...


2020年8月10日 Perseids from Perseus Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek Explanation: Where are all these meteors coming from? In terms of direction on the sky, the pointed answer is the constellation of Perseus. That is why the meteor shower that peaks tomorrow night is known as the Perseids — the meteors all appear to came from a radiant toward P...