标签: 球状星团


2020年10月14日 The Colorful Clouds of Rho Ophiuchi Image Credit & Copyright: Amir H. Abolfath Explanation: The many spectacular colors of the Rho Ophiuchi (oh’-fee-yu-kee) clouds highlight the many processes that occur there. The blue regions shine primarily by reflected light. Blue light from the Rho Ophiuchi star system and nearby stars reflects mo...


2020 March 19 M13: The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules Image Credit & Copyright: Eric Coles and Mel Helm Explanation: In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, “This is but a little Patch, but it shews itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent.” Of course, M13 is now less modestly recognized as the Great G...

球状星团NGC 6752

2020 January 23 Globular Star Cluster NGC 6752 Image Credit & Copyright: Jose Joaquin Perez Explanation: Some 13,000 light-years away toward the southern constellation Pavo, the globular star cluster NGC 6752 roams the halo of our Milky Way galaxy. Over 10 billion years old, NGC 6752 follows clusters Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanae as the third brightest g...


2019 August 24 Millions of Stars in Omega Centauri Image Credit & Copyright: Michael Miller, Jimmy Walker Explanation: Globular star cluster Omega Centauri, also known as NGC 5139, is some 15,000 light-years away. The cluster is packed with about 10 million stars much older than the Sun within a volume about 150 light-years in diameter. It’s the la...