标签: 满月


2021年11月18日 Full Moonlight Image Credit & Copyright: Zhengjie Wu and Jeff Dai (TWAN) Explanation: A photographer in silhouette stands in bright moonlight as the Full Moon rises in this well-planned telephoto image. Of course, the Full Moon is normally the brightest lunar phase. But on November 18/19, the Full Moon’s light will be dimmed during a d...


2021年10月10日 Full Moon Silhouettes Video Credit & Copyright: Mark Gee; Music: Tenderness (Dan Phillipson) Explanation: Have you ever watched the Moon rise? The slow rise of a nearly full moon over a clear horizon can be an impressive sight. One impressive moonrise was imaged in early 2013 over Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. With detai...


2021年9月23日 Harvest Moon Trail Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Cohea Explanation: Famed in festival, story, and song the best known full moon is the Harvest Moon. For northern hemisphere dwellers that’s a traditional name of the full moon nearest the September equinox. Seen from Saunderstown, Rhode Island, planet Earth, this Harvest Moon left a broa...


2021年8月31日 A Blue Moon in Exaggerated Colors Image Credit & Copyright: Robert Fedez Explanation: The Moon is normally seen in subtle shades of grey or gold. But small, measurable color differences have been greatly exaggerated to make this telescopic, multicolored, moonscape captured during the Moon’s full phase. The different colors are recognize...


2021年8月26日 A Blue Hour Full Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Giorgia Hofer Explanation: Nature photographers and other fans of planet Earth always look forward to the blue hour. That’s the transition in twilight, just before sunrise or after sunset, when the Sun is below the horizon but land and sky are still suffused with a beautiful blue light. Af...


2021年04月30日 Pink and the Perigee Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Alice Ross Explanation: On April 25 a nearly full moon rose just before sunset. Welcomed in a clear blue sky and framed by cherry blossoms, its familiar face was captured in this snapshot from Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland. Known to some as a Pink Moon, April’s full lunar phase occurred ...


2021年02月22日 Moon Rising Between Starships Image Credit & Copyright: John Kraus Explanation: What’s that on either side of the Moon? Starships. Specifically, they are launch-and-return reusable rockets being developed by SpaceX to lift cargo and eventually humans from the Earth’s surface into space. The two rockets pictured are SN9 (Serial Nu...


2020年11月11日 Colors of the Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace Explanation: What color is the Moon? It depends on the night. Outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, the dark Moon, which shines by reflected sunlight, appears a magnificently brown-tinged gray. Viewed from inside the Earth’s atmosphere, though, the moon can appear quit...


十月会发生什么?,一轮秋月以及蓝月,火星通宵达旦和一场穿越银河系的旅行。 Credit:NASA JPL 翻译:莫辞莫问的莫、林子杰 不仅一个,在月初和月未,这个月将带来两个圆满月。十月一日的满月被称作收获月,收获月是满月的名字,它最接近九月春分。每年两天中的一天,白天和黑夜长度相等。大多数年的收获月在九月落下,但每隔几年,它就会转移到10月。这个名字可以追溯到美洲原住民和欧洲传统,与收获时间有关。 Credit:NASA JPL Credit:NASA JPL 十月底,三十一号,我们将享受第二次满月。当一个月内有两次满月时,第二个满月往往被称作蓝月,蓝月还有另外一个更为传统的定义,但这是最为人熟知的。请注意这是2020年仅有的两次满月。 Credit:NASA JPL 十月是观察火星的好时机,因为这颗行星现在...


2020年10月02日 Biking to the Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Susan Snow Explanation: As you watched October’s first Full Moon rise last night, the Full Moon closest to the northern autumnal equinox, you were probably asking yourself, “How long would it take to bike to the Moon?” Sure, Apollo 11 astronauts made the trip in 1969, from launch...