标签: 季节


2023年8月25日 A Season of Saturn Image Credit & Copyright: Andy Casely Explanation: Ringed planet Saturn will be at its 2023 opposition, opposite the Sun in Earth’s skies, on August 27. While that puts the sixth planet from the Sun at its brightest and well-placed for viewing, its beautiful ring system isn’t visible to the unaided eye. Still, t...

秋分: 卡拉尼什巨石阵上空的日行迹

2022年9月18日 Analemma over the Callanish Stones Image Credit & Copyright: Giuseppe Petricca Explanation: If you went outside at the same time every day and took a picture that included the Sun, how would the Sun’s position change? A more visual answer to that question is an analemma, a composite image taken from the same spot at the same time over t...


2021年9月19日 Rings and Seasons of Saturn Image Credit & Copyright: Damian Peach/SEN Explanation: On Saturn, the rings tell you the season. On Earth, Wednesday marks an equinox, the time when the Earth’s equator tilts directly toward the Sun. Since Saturn’s grand rings orbit along the planet’s equator, these rings appear most prominent &#...


2021年7月8日 Perihelion to Aphelion Image Credit & Copyright: Richard Jaworski Explanation: Aphelion for 2021 occurred on July 5th. That’s the point in Earth’s elliptical orbit when it is farthest from the Sun. Of course, the distance from the Sun doesn’t determine the seasons. Those are governed by the tilt of Earth’s axis of rotat...


Credit:NASA 9月22日是北半球的秋分,同时也是南半球的春分,也就是说昨天是北半球入秋第一天,南半球入春第一天。 地球上有着明显的春夏秋冬,四季分明,但不是太阳系中每颗行星都有明显的四季变化。 Credit:NASA 行星上的季节变化由两个因素引起,轴倾角(axial tilt)和轨道偏心率(orbital eccentricity)。轴倾角指的是行星的自转轴相对于轨道面的倾斜程度。水星,金星和木星的轴倾角很小,地球,火星,土星,海王星的轴倾角都是二十多度,而天王星最夸张,轴倾角82度,和其他行星兄弟相比,几乎是躺着。 轨道偏心率简单说指的是远日点和近日点的变化比,太阳系所有的行星的轨道都是椭圆,轨道偏心率决定了椭圆轨道的扁平程度。 拿我们地球来说,轨道偏心率为0.02,环绕太阳的轨道几乎是圆形,所以...


2020 January 9 Perihelion to Aphelion Image Credit & Copyright: Ian Griffin (Otago Museum) Explanation: Perihelion for 2020, the point in Earth’s elliptical orbit when it is closest to the Sun, occurred on January 5th. The distance from the Sun doesn’t determine the seasons, though. Those are governed by the tilt of Earth’s axis of rota...