标签: 彗星


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A sunrise sky is shown over water and trees. The horizon is orange and the top of the image is deep blue. On the far right vertical bands are shown becoming progressively darker. In each band a comet appears, with the comet appearing increasingly near the top of the image on lighter bands. The main part of the image on the left is the lightest. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.




这张由8张从上到下的庞士-布鲁克斯彗星照片组成的序列,显示了彗星及其在 9 天内不断变化的彗尾。离子尾在每张图像中看起来非常不同,有时比其他时候要复杂得多。有关更多详细信息,请参阅说明。


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