标签: 大爆炸


An illustrated spiral is shown depicting many significant events that have occurred since the big bang. The big bang is at the center, and a city built by humans is at the spiral’s end. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.




2023年1月8日 Where Your Elements Came From Image Credit & License: Wikipedia: Cmglee; Data: Jennifer Johnson (OSU) Explanation: The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang. There are no other appreciable sources of hydrogen in the universe. The carbon in your body was made by nuclear fusion in the interior of stars...


2020年8月9日 The Origin of Elements Image Credit & License: Wikipedia: Cmglee; Data: Jennifer Johnson (OSU) Explanation: The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang. There are no other appreciable sources of hydrogen in the universe. The carbon in your body was made by nuclear fusion in the interior of stars, as wa...


宇宙的膨胀可能在各个方向上都不尽相同 宇宙学的基本思想之一是,如果你看足够远的地方,所有东西在各个方向上看起来都是一样的。一项使用NASA钱德拉X射线天文台和ESA的XMM-Newton数据的新研究正在挑战这一基本概念。 天文学家利用来自这些轨道天文台的X射线数据,研究了数百个星系团,它们是宇宙中由重力聚集在一起的最大结构,以及它们在天空中的表观性质如何不同。 这张图表包含了一张完整的天空地图,显示了数百个星系团中的四个,这些星系团被用来测试宇宙在大尺度上是否在各个方向上都是相同的。 来源:NASA/CXC/Univ. of Bonn/K. Migkas et al.; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss “宇宙学的支柱之一——研究整个宇宙的历史和命运——就是宇宙是‘各向同性的’,意...