标签: 土星


2021年04月04日 In, Through, and Beyond Saturn’s Rings Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, ISS, JPL, ESA, NASA Explanation: Four moons are visible on the featured image — can you find them all? First — and farthest in the background — is Titan, the largest moon of Saturn and one of the larger moons in the Solar System. The dark feature ac...


4月份的天空会发生什么? 早晨的行星,日落的拱门,还有在狮子座中找到狮子。 来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 翻译:灼眼的粉丝 4月6日的早晨天空发现木星和土星与新月形成了一个可爱的三重奏。在日出前一小时的东南方低空寻找它们。 来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech 4月22日是地球日,也是一年一度的机会让我们共同欣赏我们地球家园的神奇和美丽。因此,当天空晴朗时,可以在一年中的任何时候都可以看到与地球相关的景象。 这是一种黄昏现象,你可能在日落之后才注意到。如果您可以将视线从西方的日落中移开,然后转身面向东方,你会经常看到一条粉色或橙色的天空带,下面有一条深蓝色天空带。这些天空带在日落后的几分钟内向上移动,形成一个横跨天空的拱形,随着夜幕的降临慢慢消失。 暗带是地球上升的阴影。在它上面,玫瑰色的天空带被称...


Spring doesn’t just hapen on Earth. Spring also happens on some of our neighboring planets in the solar system. Of the countless equinoxes Saturn has seen since the birth of the solar system, this one, captured here in a mosaic of light and dark, is the first witnessed up close by an emissary from Earth … none other than our faithful robotic explorer, ...


2021年01月19日 A Lunar Corona with Jupiter and Saturn Image Credit & Copyright: Alessandra Masi Explanation: Why does a cloudy moon sometimes appear colorful? The effect, called a lunar corona, is created by the quantum mechanical diffraction of light around individual, similarly-sized water droplets in an intervening but mostly-transparent cloud. Since li...


2021年01月09日 Titan: Moon over Saturn Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Space Science Institute Explanation: Like Earth’s moon, Saturn’s largest moon Titan is locked in synchronous rotation. This mosaic of images recorded by the Cassini spacecraft in May of 2012 shows its anti-Saturn side, the side always facing away from the ringed gas giant. The o...


2020年12月30日 Jupiter and Saturn Great Conjunction: The Movie Video Credit: Thanakrit Santikunaporn (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand); Text: Matipon Tangmatitham Explanation: Yes, but have you seen a movie of Jupiter and Saturn’s Great Conjunction? The featured time-lapse video was composed from a series of images taken from Thailand...


2020年12月23日 Jupiter Meets Saturn: A Red Spotted Great Conjunction Image Credit & Copyright: Damian Peach Explanation: It was time for their close-up. Two days ago Jupiter and Saturn passed a tenth of a degree from each other in what is known a Great Conjunction. Although the two planets pass each other on the sky every 20 years, this was the closest pas...


2020年12月19日 Conjunction after Sunset Image Credit & Copyright: Alireza Vafa Explanation: How close will Jupiter and Saturn be at their Great Conjunction? Consider this beautiful triple conjunction of Moon, Jupiter and Saturn captured through clouds in the wintry twilight. The telephoto view looks toward the western horizon and the Alborz Mountains in Ir...


2020年12月13日星期日,在弗吉尼亚州卢雷,雪兰多国家公园日落后拍摄的土星(上方)和木星(下方)。两颗行星在12月21日朝着大近合前进时,彼此之间的距离越来越近,这两个巨行星之间的距离将相差十分之一度。 来源:NASA / Bill Ingalls 天文爱好者迎来了年终盛宴。俗称“圣诞节之星”的是一颗特别活跃的行星结,在接下来的两周里,当明亮的木星和土星近合在12月21日晚上达到顶峰时,很容易在傍晚的天空中看到它们。 1610年,意大利天文学家伽利略·伽利莱(Galileo Galilei)将望远镜对准夜空,发现了木星的四个卫星——木卫一、木卫二、木卫三和木卫四。同一年,伽利略还在土星周围发现了一个奇怪的椭圆形,后来的观测确定这就是土星环。这些发现改变了人们对太阳系的认识。 13年后的1623年,太阳系的两...


2020年12月15日 Great Conjunction: Saturn and Jupiter Converge Illustration Credit & Copyright: Sebastian Voltmer Explanation: It’s happening. Saturn and Jupiter are moving closer and will soon appear in almost exactly the same direction. Coincidentally, on the night of the December solstice — the longest night of the year in the north and the lo...