标签: 哈勃太空望远镜



NGC 6891 is a bright, asymmetrical planetary nebula in the constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin. This Hubble image reveals a wealth of structure, including a spherical outer halo that is expanding faster than the inner nebula, and at least two ellipsoidal shells that are orientated differently. The image also reveals filaments and knots in the nebula’s inter...



Mounded, luminous clouds of gas and dust glow in this Hubble image of a Herbig-Haro object known as HH 45. Herbig-Haro objects are a rarely seen type of nebula that occurs when hot gas ejected by a newborn star collides with the gas and dust around it at hundreds of miles per second, creating bright shock waves. In this image, blue indicates ionized oxygen (...



The Flame Nebula, also called NGC 2024, is a large star-forming region in the constellation Orion that lies about 1,400 light-years from Earth. It’s a portion of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, which includes such famous nebulae as the Horsehead Nebula and Orion Nebula. This image focuses on the dark, dusty heart of the nebula, where a star cluster reside...



Stars are born from clouds of gas and dust that collapse under their own gravitational attraction. As the cloud collapses, a dense, hot core forms and begins gathering dust and gas, creating an object called a “protostar.” 恒星是由气体云和尘埃在自身引力作用下坍缩而形成。随着云团坍缩,会形成一个致密、炽热的核心,并开始聚集尘埃和气体,形成一个称为“原恒星”的物体。 This Hubble infrared image captures a protostar designated J16728...



NGC 2438 is a planetary nebula, formed after the death of a Sun-like star. The medium-sized star would have expelled its outer layers of gas into space as it died, leaving behind a white-dwarf core. A halo of glowing gas over 4.5 light-years across surrounds the nebula’s brighter inner ring. Many round or nearly round planetary nebulae display these ha...



N44是一个复杂的星云,充满了发光的氢气、黑暗的尘埃带、大质量恒星和许多不同年龄的恒星群。然而,它最显着的特征之一是被称为“超级气泡”的黑暗星空间隙,在这张哈勃太空望远镜图像中上部中央区域可见。 这个黑洞大约有250光年宽,它的存在仍然是一个谜。气泡内部的大质量恒星喷出的恒星风可能赶走了气体,但这与测量到的气泡中的风速不一致。另一种可能性是,由于星云中充满了大质量恒星,这些恒星会在巨大的爆炸中消亡,古老超新星不断膨胀的外壳塑造了宇宙洞穴。 天文学家在超级气泡附近发现了一颗超新星遗迹,并确定超级气泡内部和边缘的恒星之间存在大约 500 万年的年龄差异,表明存在多个连锁反应的恒星形成事件。超级气泡周围大约 5 点钟方向的深蓝色区域是星云中最热的区域之一,也是恒星形成最强烈的区域。 N44是一个发射星云,这意味着它的...



The Hubble Space Telescope’s glamour shots of the universe nearly always have a discovery behind them. 哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的迷人的宇宙照片背后几乎都有一个发现。 In this image, a remote galaxy is greatly magnified and distorted by the effects of gravitationally warped space. After its public release, astronomers used the picture to measure the galaxy’s distance of 9.4 billion...



This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features two interacting galaxies that are so intertwined, they have a collective name – Arp 91. Their delicate galactic dance takes place more than 100 million light-years from Earth. The two galaxies comprising Arp 91 have their own names: the lower galaxy, which looks like a bright spot, is NGC 5953, and the oval...



Credits: ESA/Hubble and NASA, A. Nota, C. Britt This comparison of two images shows puffing dust bubbles and an erupting gas shell – the final acts of a monster star’s life. 这两张图片的对比显示了膨胀的尘埃气泡和喷发的气体外壳——这是一颗巨型恒星生命的最后一幕。 These new views showcase the dual nature of the star AG Carinae, which was the target of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s 31st anniversa...



On Women’s Equality Day, NASA celebrates the women who are breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations. In this image, Dr. Nancy Grace Roman (1925-2018), NASA’s first Chief of Astronomy and “the Mother of Hubble,” visits the Space Telescope Operations Control Center at the Goddard Space Flight Center on March 31, 2017, and m...