标签: 哈勃太空望远镜


Within the tempestuous Carina Nebula lies “Mystic Mountain.” This three-light-year-tall cosmic pinnacle, imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 in 2010, is made up primarily of dust and gas, and exhibits signs of intense star-forming activity. The colors in this composite image correspond to the glow of oxygen (blue), hydrogen and nitroge...


For this image, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope turned its powerful eye toward an emission-line galaxy called NGC 3749. When astronomers explore the contents and constituent parts of a galaxy somewhere in the universe, they use various techniques and tools. One of these is to spread out the incoming light from that galaxy into a spectrum and explore its ...


左边是1979年3月2日由旅行者1号飞船从290万公里(180万英里)外拍摄的木卫二。下一幅是1979年7月9日旅行者2号飞船近距离接触木卫二时拍摄的彩色图像。右边是木卫二的图像,是由伽利略号飞船在20世纪90年代末拍摄的。 来源:NASA/JPL 40年前,旅行者号宇宙飞船拍摄了木卫二的第一张特写照片,木卫二是木星的79颗卫星之一。这些发现的带褐色的裂缝切割了木卫二表面的冰层,这让木卫二看起来像一个布满血管的眼球。自那以后的几十年里,前往外太阳系的任务已经积累了足够多的关于木卫二的额外信息,使它成为美国国家航空航天局(NASA)搜寻生命的高优先目标。 这颗卫星之所以如此诱人,是因为它可能拥有生命所需的所有要素。科学家有证据表明,其中一种成分——液态水——存在于冰冷的地表之下,有时可能会以巨大的间歇泉形式喷发到...


The universe is simply so vast that it can be difficult to maintain a sense of scale. Many galaxies we see through telescopes such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the source of this beautiful image, look relatively similar: spiraling arms, a glowing center, and a mixture of bright specks of star formation and dark ripples of cosmic dust weaving throu...


2019 November 6 21st Century M101 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CXC, JPL – Caltech, STScI Explanation: One of the last entries in Charles Messier’s famous catalog, big, beautiful spiral galaxy M101 is definitely not one of the least. About 170,000 light-years across, this galaxy is enormous, almost twice the size of our own Milky Way Galaxy. M101 was ...


在这张由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的图像中,充斥在星系之间的是一些神秘的蓝光弧。这些实际上是星团后面遥远星系的扭曲图像。所有正常物质和暗物质聚集在星系团内部,它们共同的引力扭曲了时空,影响了穿过星系团向地球传播的光。 版权:美国国家航空航天局(NASA),欧洲航天局(ESA),J. Lotz和HFF团队(STScI) 暗物质的真正性质是宇宙中最大的谜团之一。科学家们正试图确定暗物质到底是由什么组成的,以便能够对其进行直接探测,但我们目前的认识有很多差距,很难知道我们究竟在寻找什么。宽视场红外巡天望远镜(Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope,WFIRST)探测宇宙大范围区域的能力将通过探索普通物质和暗物质在空间和时间上的结构及分布来帮助我们弄清楚暗物质是由什么组成的。 为什么暗物质是一...


The galaxy pictured in this Hubble image has an especially evocative name: the Medusa merger. Often referred to by its somewhat drier New General Catalogue designation of NGC 4194, this was not always one entity, but two. An early galaxy consumed a smaller gas-rich system, throwing out streams of stars and dust into space. These streams, seen rising from the...


哈勃于2019年10月12日拍摄到了距离地球4.2亿公里的鲍里索夫彗星(2I/Borisov),这是这颗彗星迄今为止最清晰的照片。哈勃望远镜揭示了它周围的尘埃;它正朝着太阳落下,将在2019年12月7日到达最近点,届时它将距离太阳两倍日地距离(约3亿公里)。之后它将以双曲线路径绕过太阳,返回星际空间。 Credit: NASA, ESA and D. Jewitt (UCLA) NASA哈勃太空望远镜展示了星际访客鲍里索夫彗星最好的一张照片,其速度和轨迹表明,它来自我们太阳系外。 鲍里索夫彗星是已知通过太阳系的第二个星际天体。2017年,人类发现的第一个星际游客(被命名为奥陌陌,’Oumuamua)在飞离太阳系之前,在距太阳3800万公里的范围内“溜达”。加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)、观测彗星的负...


Many of the best-loved galaxies in the cosmos are remarkably large, close, massive, bright, or beautiful, often with an unusual or intriguing structure or history. However, it takes all kinds to make a universe — as demonstrated by this Hubble image of Messier 110. Messier 110 may not look like much, but it is a fascinating near neighbor of our home galaxy, ...


This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows NGC 5307, a planetary nebula that lies about 10,000 light-years from Earth. It can be seen in the constellation Centaurus (the Centaur), which can be seen primarily in the southern hemisphere. A planetary nebula is the final stage of a Sun-like star. As such, planetary nebulas allow us a glimpse into ...