标签: 人马座


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NGC 6559: 礁湖星云东侧的天体

2021年10月7日 NGC 6559: East of the Lagoon Image Credit & Copyright: Roberto Sartori Explanation: Slide your telescope just east of the Lagoon Nebula to find this alluring field of view in the rich starfields of the constellation Sagittarius toward the central Milky Way. Of course the Lagoon nebula is also known as M8, the eighth object listed in Charles M...

NGC 1499:加州星云

2019 August 23 NGC 1499: The California Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Sara Wager Explanation: Drifting through the Orion Arm of the spiral Milky Way Galaxy, this cosmic cloud by chance echoes the outline of California on the west coast of the United States. Our own Sun also lies within the Milky Way’s Orion Arm, only about 1,500 light-years from...

邻近的旋涡星系NGC 4945

2019 August 22 Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 4945 Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh Explanation: Large spiral galaxy NGC 4945 is seen edge-on near the center of this cosmic galaxy portrait. In fact, it’s almost the size of our Milky Way Galaxy. NGC 4945’s own dusty disk, young blue star clusters, and pink star forming regions standout in the s...