按月归档: 5 月 2023

模拟: 盘状星系的形成

2023年5月31日 Simulation: A Disk Galaxy Forms Video Credit: TNG Collaboration, MPCDF, FAS Harvard U.; Music: World’s Sunrise (YouTube: Jimena Contreras) Explanation: How did we get here? We know that we live on a planet orbiting a star orbiting a galaxy, but how did all of this form? Since our universe moves too slowly to watch, faster-moving computer sim...


A Rocket Lab Electron rocket stands on Pad B, Launch Complex 1, in Māhia, New Zealand, just ahead of a successful launch on Friday, May 26, with NASA’s Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) CubeSats payload. Now that the final pair of CubeSats are in orbit, TROPICS will study the...

M27: 哑铃星云

2023年5月30日 M27: The Dumbbell Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Patrick A. Cosgrove Explanation: Is this what will become of our Sun? Quite possibly. The first hint of our Sun‘s future was discovered inadvertently in 1764. At that time, Charles Messier was compiling a list of diffuse objects not to be confused with comets. The 27th object on Messier...


2023年5月29日 Milky Way over a Turquoise Wonderland Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek / Institute of Physics in Opava, Sovena Jani Explanation: What glows there? The answer depends: sea or sky? In the sea, the unusual blue glow is bioluminescence. Specifically, the glimmer arises from Noctiluca scintillans, single-celled plankton stimulated by the lap...


经过大约39天14个小时的飞行,NASA于美国东部时间5月25日星期四上午9点27分成功完成了超压气球携带成像望远镜(SuperBIT)科学任务的超压气球的飞行测试。 此次任务于4月16日星期日上午11点42分(美国东部时间下午7点42分)开始。4月15日(美国东部时间)在新西兰瓦纳卡机场发射,这是NASA长期气球计划的发射场。 4月16日,一个超压气球部分充气,准备从新西兰瓦纳卡发射,上面载有SuperBIT的有效载荷。 影像来源:NASA/Bill Rodman “这次飞行是我们迄今为止最好的一次,名义上气球在平流层飞行,并保持稳定的漂浮高度。”位于弗吉尼亚州的美国宇航局沃洛普斯飞行设施的NASA气球计划办公室主任黛比·费尔布雷斯说。“实现昼夜条件下的长时间气球飞行是我们长期气球计划和科学界的一个重要目标,...

艾达与艾卫: 小行星和它的卫星

2023年5月28日 Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon Image Credit: NASA, JPL, Galileo Mission Explanation: This asteroid has a moon. The robot spacecraft Galileo on route to Jupiter in 1993 encountered and photographed two asteroids during its long interplanetary voyage. The second minor planet it photographed, 243 Ida, was unexpectedly discovered to have a moon. Th...


2023年5月27日 Crescent Neptune and Triton Image Credit: NASA, Voyager 2 Explanation: Gliding through the outer Solar System, in 1989 the Voyager 2 spacecraft looked toward the Sun to find this view of most distant planet Neptune and its moon Triton together in a crescent phase. The elegant image of ice-giant planet and largest moon was taken from behind just af...


The jellyfish galaxy JW39 hangs serenely in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This galaxy lies over 900 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices and is one of several jellyfish galaxies Hubble has been studying over the past two years. Despite this jellyfish galaxy’s serene appearance, it is adrift in a ferociously host...


2023年5月26日 Virgo Cluster Galaxies Image Credit & Copyright: Abdullah Alharbi Explanation: Galaxies of the Virgo Cluster are scattered across this nearly 4 degree wide telescopic field of view. About 50 million light-years distant, the Virgo Cluster is the closest large galaxy cluster to our own local galaxy group. Prominent here are Virgo’s bright...