按月归档: 3 月 2023


2023年3月31日 Seeing Titan Image Credit: VIMS Team, U. Arizona, U. Nantes, ESA, NASA Explanation: Shrouded in a thick atmosphere, Saturn’s largest moon Titan really is hard to see. Small particles suspended in the upper atmosphere cause an almost impenetrable haze, strongly scattering light at visible wavelengths and hiding Titan’s surface features ...


Guinness World Records officially designated NASA’s Crawler Transporter 2 as the heaviest self-powered vehicle, weighing approximately 6.65 million pounds—equivalent to about 15 Statues of Liberty or 1,000 pickup trucks. During a March 29, 2023, ceremony at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Guinness World Records presented a certificate to teams ...

NGC 4372与暗带星云

2023年3月30日 NGC 4372 and the Dark Doodad Image Credit & Copyright: Matias Tomasello Explanation: The delightful Dark Doodad Nebula drifts through southern skies, a tantalizing target for binoculars toward the small constellation Musca, The Fly. The dusty cosmic cloud is seen against rich starfields just south of the Coalsack Nebula and the Southern Cross...


利用NASA钱德拉X射线天文台进行的一项新研究显示,从距离地球1140万光年的近邻星系NGC 253中心发出的强风的影响。这种星系风由温度高达数百万度的气体组成,这些气体以X射线的形式发光。每年都有相当于200万个地球质量的热气体从银河系中心吹出。


NASA astronauts Kjell Lindgren, left, Jessica Watkins, center, and Bob Hines, right, take in the view from the interactive recreation of the International Space Station’s cupola in the One World Connected gallery at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum on March 28, 2023. Lindgren, Watkins, and Hines spent 170 days in space as part of Expeditions 6...

SH2-308: 海豚状的恒星气泡

2023年3月29日 Sh2-308: A Dolphin Shaped Star Bubble Image Credit & Copyright: Aleix Roig (AstroCatInfo) Explanation: Which star created this bubble? It wasn’t the bright star on the bubble’s right. And it also wasn’t a giant space dolphin. It was the star in the blue nebula’s center, a famously energetic Wolf-Rayet star. Wolf-Rayet ...


“People aren’t always recognized for who they are at work. “So giving a person time to actually talk about themselves, and be proud of what they do, and talk about how hard it might be to maintain their career with everything else going on — makes them feel valued and appreciated. And highlighting them in that way on the Faces of NASA page, makes that ...


2023年3月28日 A Multiple Green Flash Sunset Image Credit & Copyright: T. Slovinský & P. Horálek (IoP Opava); CTIO, NOIRLab, NSF, AURA Explanation: Yes, but can your green flash do this? A green flash at sunset is a rare event that many Sun watchers pride themselves on having seen. Once thought to be a myth, a green flash is now understood to occur whe...