按月归档: 7 月 2020

本周NASA速递(2020.7.31 )

NASA又一个火星车成功发射;为商业载人(Commercial Crew)任务历史性的返回地球做准备;选定未来任务的宇航员……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA “发射!……随着火星发射倒计时的继续,人类的毅力将下一代机器人探索者送去了红色星球。”7月30日,NASA的火星2020(Mars 2020)毅力号漫游车从佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔角空军基地发射升空。毅力号将是NASA首个从另一颗行星收集样本以供将来返回地球的火星探测器,这让该任务在不止一个方面具有突破性。NASA科学任务理事会(副主任托马斯·齐布亨(Thomas Zurbuchen)表示:“我们对于地球以及太阳系其他地方生命的起源、进化和分布的理解,可能会因来自火星的样本而发生重大转变。”毅力号将降落在一片特别的火星区域,将为...


2020年7月30日 The Red Planet Mars Image Credit & Copyright: Luc Debeck Explanation: Mars looks pretty sharp in this backyard telescope image captured on July 23 from Hoegaarden, Belgium, planet Earth. The Red Planet’s bright south polar cap is bathed in sunlight at the top of the inverted view, while the dark feature known as Syrtis Major extends tow...


2020年7月29日 The Giants of Summer Image Credit & Copyright: Jean-Luc Dauvergne Explanation: As Comet NEOWISE sweeps through northern summer skies, Jupiter and Saturn are shining brightly, near opposition. With Jupiter opposite the Sun on July 14 and Saturn on July 21, the giant planets are still near their closest to planet Earth in 2020. Sharing the cons...

NASA宣布搭乘SpaceX Crew-2飞行器前往太空站的宇航员名单

SpaceX Crew-2的宇航员前往国际空间站。左图为NASA宇航员梅根·麦克阿瑟(Megan McArthur)和谢恩·金布罗(Shane Kimbrough),JAXA(日本宇航局)宇航员星光明彦(Akihiko Hoshide)和ESA(欧洲宇航局)宇航员托马斯·佩斯奎(Thomas Pesquet)。 来源:NASA NASA及其国际合作伙伴已为Crew-2指派了宇航员,这将是NASA商业船员计划的一部分,这将是SpaceX龙飞船第二次载人前往国际空间站。 NASA宇航员谢恩·金布罗和梅根·麦克阿瑟将分别担任航天飞机的指挥官和飞行员。 JAXA(日本航空航天局)宇航员星光明彦和ESA(欧洲航天局)宇航员托马斯·佩斯奎特将作为任务专家加入。 在成功完成NASA的SpaceX Demo-2任务(预计将于8...


This image of Jezero Crater, the landing site for the Mars Perseverance Rover, was taken by instruments on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which regularly takes images of potential landing sites for future missions. NASA chose Jezero crater as the landing site for the Perseverance rover because scientists believe the area was once flooded with wate...


Carried by a balloon the size of a football stadium, ASTHROS will use a telescope to observe wavelengths of light that aren’t visible from the ground. Work has begun on ASTHROS (short for Astrophysics Stratospheric Telescope for High Spectral Resolution Observations at Submillimeter-wavelengths), a new mission that will carry a cutting-edge 8.4-foot te...

NGC 6188:天坛座的龙形云气

2020年7月28日 NGC 6188: The Dragons of Ara Image Credit & Copyright: Ariel L. Cappelletti Explanation: Dark shapes with bright edges winging their way through dusty NGC 6188 are tens of light-years long. The emission nebula is found near the edge of an otherwise dark and large molecular cloud in the southern constellation Ara, about 4,000 light-years away....


创纪录的太空行走对空间站进行了升级;空间站的乘员收到了一批新的补给物资;期待看到机智号(Ingenuity)的火星飞行……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA 7月21日,NASA宇航员鲍勃•本肯(Bob Behnken)和克里斯•卡西迪(Chris Cassidy)在国际空间站外进行了将近五个半小时的太空行走。他们升级了空间站的相关系统,并为前哨基地作了准备,让未来的设备能将实验部署到太空之中。继迈克尔•洛佩斯-阿莱格里亚(Michael Lopez-Alegria)和佩吉•惠特森(Peggy Whitson)之后,本肯和卡西迪成为了美国仅有的完成了10次太空行走的宇航员。 7月23日,一架非载人的俄罗斯进步号补给飞船从哈萨克斯坦的拜科努尔航天发射场发射升空,几个小时后,飞船抵达空间站...


2020年7月27日 Comet and Lightning Beyond Bighorn Mountains Image Credit & Copyright: Kevin Palmer Explanation: Normally, Steamboat Point looks cool — but not this cool. Every day, the iconic peak of the Bighorn Mountains is an interesting sight, in particular from US Highway 14 in Wyoming. On some rare days, the rocky vertical ridges look even more i...


7月25日 Tianwen-1 Mission to Mars Image Credit & Copyright: Jeff Dai (TWAN) Explanation: On July 23, this Long March 5 heavy-lift rocket rose into a blue morning sky from China’s Hainan Island Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. The rocket carried an orbiter, lander, and rover to ask Heavenly Questions on the ambitious Tianwen-1 mission to Mars. In fa...