
2019 October 14

Andromeda before Photoshop
Image Credit:
Kees Scherer

Explanation: What does the Andromeda galaxy really look like? The featured image shows how our Milky Way Galaxy’s closest major galactic neighbor really appears in a long exposure through Earth’s busy skies and with a digital camera that introduces normal imperfections. The picture is a stack of 223 images, each a 300 second exposure, taken from a garden observatory in Portugal over the past year. Obvious image deficiencies include bright parallel airplane trails, long and continuous satellite trails, short cosmic ray streaks, and bad pixels. These imperfections were actually not removed with Photoshop specifically, but rather greatly reduced with a series of computer software packages that included Astro Pixel Processor, DeepSkyStacker, and PixInsight. All of this work was done not to deceive you with a digital fantasy that has little to do with the real likeness of the Andromeda galaxy (M31), but to minimize Earthly artifacts that have nothing to do with the distant galaxy and so better recreate what M31 really does look like.

Kees Scherer

说明:仙女星系长什么样子?仙女星系是距银河系最近的大型星系。这幅长曝光影像是由数码相机拍摄的223张照片(每张曝光300秒)叠加而成的。拍摄地点位于葡萄牙的一座天文台。它展现了仙女星系在过去一年中在忙碌地球天空的样子。明显的影像缺陷包括明亮的(飞机)飞行轨迹、连续的卫星轨迹、短小的宇宙射线条纹、以及坏点。这些缺陷并没有使用photoshop来消除,但可以通过一系列诸如Astro Pixel Processor、DeepSkyStacker、PixInsight的计算机软件来大幅弱化其影响。这些后期工作并不是利用数字手段给你看一张假的、跟真实星系毫无关联的“人造图”,而是为了消除一些会影响到仙女星系的人造物,使得这张影像可以更好的展示(M31)仙女星系的真实面貌。

1 条回复

  1. 2023年8月23日

    […] 说明: 它来自外太空。此处所谓的“它”,是指沙粒大小的彗核碎片,它可能是绕行太阳的史威福-塔托彗星在多年前喷出来的,然后孤单的持续绕太阳运行。每当地球穿过这个轨道时,彗星碎片就会撞击地球的大气层,成为我们所见的流星。而影像中的这颗流星更发生崩解,所释出的气体受到激发并散发出其组成元素的特征色泽。这幅主题影像是在上星期摄于西班牙的卡斯提亚-拉曼查自治区,时值英仙座流星雨的极大期。美丽的流星痕只出现在为仙女星系所拍摄的50张照片之一。散布在视野里的每颗恒星,都比流星更远;而与恒星相比,仙女星系(M31)更加遥远。 […]

